SSO Setup with Google ( G-Suite)

Setup G Suite 

Log in to the Google Admin console at

Step 1

  • Click Apps.



Step 2

  • Click SAML-Apps.



Step 3

  • Click on + icon at bottom right


Step 4



Step 5

  • Click Download for Certificate and copy the SSO URL and Entity ID  and Click NEXT


Step 6

  • Choose an Application Name and Description and click Next.


Step 7

  • Enter The Service Provider Details.

    • Both ACS URL and Entity ID are https://<base-url>/flex/saml/sso

    • Select Primary Email as NameID and UNSPECIFIED as Name ID Format.

    • Click Next.


Step 8

  • Configure The Attribute Mapping

    • This Mapping defines which values are contained in the SAML-Response.

    • In this example, 3 fields email, firstname, and lastname are defined (the attribute names can be chosen) which are mapped to Primary Email, First Name, and Last Name.

    • Click Finish.


Step 9

  • Enable The IdP

    • Enable the IdP by selecting ON for everyone or ON for some organizations and confirming it. 


Step 10

  • From the APP Window copy, the APP URL by Right-click copy the


Configure The Zephyr With SSO

  • Go to Administration → Authentication and Select SSO from the Dropdown

  • In Identity Provider URL: Give the Detail from the Copy the Link Address from the APP URL from Step 10

  • In Identity Provider Issuer Id: Give the Detail of Entity ID from Step 5

  • In Certificate provide the Certificate Download from Step 5

  • Enable the Auto-Provisioning

    • Attribute Mapping Give the Detail from Step 8