User Setup

User Setup

Starting October 11, 2024 (Zephyr Enterprise 8.2), the Zephyr Enterprise documentation moved from its current location on Atlassian to a dedicated, standalone Zephyr Enterprise documentation page. Please see: https://support.smartbear.com/zephyr-enterprise/docs/en/zephyr-enterprise/zephyr-administration-guides/user-setup.html

In This Section

User roles

Zephyr comes with several default roles. You can also create custom roles. Roles can be assigned to users in the Administration > User Setup section of Zephyr Enterprise.

  • Default Roles: Test Manager, Lead, Tester, Defect User, Dashboard, Project Admin
    • Defect Users are users of the Internal Defect Tracking System. You can add them in the Administration > Defect Admin > User Setup section.
    • Dashboard Users have access to the dashboard(s) to be able to view and create dashboards. They do not have access to any other area of Zephyr Enterprise.
      Dashboard Users do not use a license and do not contribute towards the overall license count.
  • Custom Roles can be created on the Administration > System Setup > Customizations page.

Once a user is created, they also need to be assigned to a project. The user gets an email with login details that they can use to access the Zephyr instance.

The User Setup table only list the non-project specific roles. The user type column will only be displayed for the table if there are internal and external users. Internal users are users created within Zephyr and external users are created when importing groups from Crowd or LDAP. 

The Search on this page supports sorting by the ID, Name, Title, User Type, Login Status, Email, Username and Location.


Zephyr has two License Types:

  • NAMED - users are specifically named users of the system and you can add only that many users in the active state.
  • CONCURRENT - Managers can add as many users as you want but only that many users can successfully log into Zephyr as the number of CONCURRENT licenses you have.
    • If the maximum number of users have been reached, the next user will not be able to login until a license is freed up.
    • Administrators can forcibly log out a user - see the Login Status section below. 

Zephyr allows you to create as many users as possible in the system as creating users will not be counted towards the license. Zephyr only counts users towards the license only after assigning a non-dashboard role to a user. If you were to remove or change a role, it also updates the license count if there is a user that is assigned to the removed or changed role.

You can even assign roles to users after the license is exceed. By doing this though, it shows the number of exceeded licenses in the About Zephyr section of the administration.

Login status

This column displays which users are currently logged into Zephyr. Clicking on that information allows the Administrator to forcibly log out that user.

Users will be automatically logged out without saving any of their information or work.

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