User Permissions

User Permissions

Zephyr for Jira is now Zephyr Squad! Read more about this.

Zephyr for Jira is now Zephyr Squad! Read more about this.

Zephyr for Jira Cloud uses the same users and user groups that are set up in your Jira instance. User permissions are inherited from the Jira permission scheme configured for a project.

To learn how to configure user permissions in Jira, refer to Jira documentation:

Jira permissions required for Zephyr operations

The Browse Project permission is always required to access the Zephyr application within a specific Jira project.
Additional required permissions are listed below.

Zephyr permission

Required Jira permissions

Zephyr permission

Required Jira permissions

Configure Zephyr issue type, custom fields, and so on

Administer Jira

Access the Zephyr application within a project

Browse Project

Disable or enable BDD for a project

Administer Project

View Zephyr Actions, Test Details, and Executions in the new Jira issue view

Edit Issues

This applies to the new Jira issue view only and does not apply to old issue view. To lean how to switch between the old and new issues views, see Jira documentation.



View and search tests

Browse Project

Create and import tests

Create Issues, Edit Issues, Link Issues

Create BDD features and scenarios

Create Issues, Edit Issues, Link Issues

Edit Tests

Edit Issues

Copy test steps to another test

Edit Issues

Assign tests to a user

Edit Issues

Delete Tests

Delete Issues

Test Cycles


View Cycle Summary

Browse Project

Create test cycles

Browse Project

Add tests to cycles

Create Issues

Edit or move test cycles

Edit Issues

Export test cycles

Edit Issues

Delete test cycles

Edit Issues

Test Folders


Create, edit, delete folders

Browse Project

Add tests to folders

Create Issue

Edit folders

Edit Issues

Delete folders

Edit Issues

Test Executions


View test executions

Browse Project

Assign text executions to a user

Edit Issue

Execute tests

Create Issues, Edit Issues
Create Attachments if you also want to add attachments

Copy or move test executions to a cycle

Create Issues, Edit Issues

Link defects to test executions

Create Issues (to link to a new defect), Edit Issues (to link to an existing defect), Link Issues

Delete test executions

Edit Issues

Manage execution filters

Browse Project

Test Automation (A.T.O.M)


Enable or disable A.T.O.M for a project

Administer Project

Create automation tasks

Browse Project

Edit automation tasks

Browse Project

Execute automation tasks

Create Issues, Edit Issues, Create Attachments

Delete automation tasks

Browse Project



View Test Summary

Browse Project

View Test Metrics

Browse Project

View Traceability Matrix

Browse Project

Custom Fields


Create custom fields

Administer Jira

Enable custom fields per project

Administer Project



Add comments

Edit Issues

Add attachments to test steps and test executions

Edit Issues, Create Attachments

Clearing the permission cache

Zephyr for Jira caches Jira user permissions to improve performance. As a result, when you change Jira permissions, it might take some time (up to an hour) before the changes are reflected in Zephyr for Jira.

You can clear Zephyr permissions cache to force load the new permissions:

  1. Log in to Jira as an administrator.

  2. Go to > System.

  3. Select the Zephyr General Configuration category on the left.

  4. Click Create Permission Cache.

'Clear Permission Cache' button in Zephyr General Configuration


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