Copying Test Cases

Copying Test Cases

Copying Test Cases Overview

Zephyr provides users the option to copy test cases across multiple projects and testing repositories. Users are able to copy test cases directly from releases from other projects in the system. Users are also able to copy test cases that are located in the global test repository.

For example, if we're working in a project and release, we are able to copy the test cases that are within the global test repository so that we wouldn't have to rewrite the test case from scratch. 

Copying test cases across multiple projects essentially creates a direct copy of the copied test case but gives the newly copied test case a brand new ID.

1. Click on the  button on the folder that you want to the test cases to be copied to.

2. Click on "Copy from Project Releases".

  • A pop-up will display the local repository on the left side of the interface and the global repository for the system on the right side of the interface.
  • Local Repository - This tree displays the hierarchy of the test cases for the current project/release you are in.
  • Global Repository - This tree displays the hierarchy of all the test cases for all projects/releases in the system and it contains the folder structure of the global test repository.

3. Navigated through the global repository and select which test cases that you want to copy over.

4. Simply drag and drop the selected test cases to the destination folder in the local repository.

Additional Notes

There are two ways to copy test cases from the global repository to the local repository.

  • You can copy single or multiple test cases to the local repository 
    • Select which test cases and drag and drop to the local repository.
  • You can copy an entire folder of test cases to the local repository
    • Select which folder and drag and drop to the local repository.

The copied test cases are given new ID's.

  • If the user is editing the copied test case, it will not update the original.
  • If the user is editing the original test case, it will not update the copied test case.

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