Mapping Requirements to a Test Case

Mapping Requirements to a Test Case

Mapping Requirements to a Test Case

Prior to Mapping Requirements

Prior to mapping requirements to a test case, there must be an existing project, release, requirement and test case that has been created in Zephyr. The project/release must be selected and the user must be under the Test Repository section within the release selected. 

Scenario: You are a testing manager in Zephyr. As a testing manager, you want to map an existing test case to an existing requirement.

If this is your first time managing test cases, you might want to work within a test project rather than an actual project in the system, and that way, you can work out any issues you might have with managing test cases before you work with live test cases.

1. Simply click on the individual requirement that you want to map requirements to in the table.

2. Scroll down and click on the "Mapped Requirement" section to expand it and then click on the "Map" button

3. Navigate through the releases/folders to view the requirements. 

4. Select the requirements you want to map to the specific test case(s) by checking off the requirements on the left side of the table.

5. After you are done selecting your requirements to map, simply click on the "Save" button on the bottom right of the pop up.

6. You can view the requirements that you just mapped to your test case by following steps 1-3 again.

7. You can also view the requirements by clicking on the mapped requirements for the test case right from within the table of the test repository.

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