Release 5.0 Interface Changes

Release 5.0 Interface Changes

Test Cycle and Folder Hierarchy Interface Revamp

With this release, we completely revamp and improve the user interface for the hierarchy system of all test cycles and folders that reside on the Cycle Summary page.

The new user interface for the hierarchy provides a much cleaner look when viewing your test cycles and the folders that correspond to the test cycles. The test cycles and folders are displayed larger than previously before in the hierarchy and the new design allows users to easily see which test cycle and/or folder is selected. Folders are now displayed a children folders under each testing cycle to help distinguish folders from test cycles. This provides a much more friendly user experience as the new hierarchy design matches the look and feel of existing Jira features. By providing a similar feel and familiarity to Jira and its' UI system, we hope that users can seamlessly navigate through their testing cycles and folders to perform their testing activities.


Test cycles and folders can now be movable across releases or within the same release. To the left of each test cycle and folder, there is an option to drag-and-drop the test cycle and folder to be able to reorder in any way you want. Be aware that if you want to be able to reorder have a custom test cycle and folder order, your administrator must set the sorting for the test cycles and folders to “Custom Order” in the Zephyr for Jira general configurations.

Navigation Menu Revamp

The navigation menu for Zephyr has been revamped to display all the Zephyr related features and functionalities within the “Zephyr” menu of Jira.

Zephyr for Jira has now introduced a “Back” button that allows users to navigate back from the “Zephyr” menu which redirects the navigation menu back to the project menu for the individual project that you are in. This button provides a much more seamless experience when using Zephyr for Jira as it provides fluidity when performing testing activities within a project. For example, users could be using the “Zephyr” menu to perform their testing activities and can then quickly navigate to the project menu to utilize the “Issues and filters” option or the “Releases” option.

Beware that the “Back” button provided in the “Zephyr” menu is completely different from the Back button of the internet browser that you are using. Pressing the “Back” button in the “Zephyr” menu simply navigates back to the project while the Back button for your browser could be completely different depending on the last page you’ve visited. Use the “Back” button accordingly when navigating in and out of the Zephyr test menu.

The reporting has been broken up to be displayed on individual pages for improved performance and to provide a friendly interface when viewing your Test Summary, Test Metrics, and Traceability.


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