How to Configure Zephyr SSO with OKTA

How to Configure Zephyr SSO with OKTA

How to configure zephyr application at OKTA

  1. Register at OKTA and buy license and login to OKTA
    Enter your username and password

    Username : XXX
    Password : XXX

  2.  After login click on Admin at the right side of the page

  3.  Now click on Add applications and then click on Create new app

  4. Select SAML 2.0 in the create new app window and then click on create

  5. In General setting give Application name and choose logo if required and select the available options as per your choice

  6.  In SAML setting give the Single Sign-On URL, Audience url and application username . Select Application username as OKTA username, or email id, by which you want to validate with zephyr
                         Single Sign-On URL, Audience URL  copy from the zephyr Application (Administration → UserAuthentication System → Single Sign-On Authentication system → Configuration Info

  7. Fill the optional fields required and then click on Next

  8. Click on Finish

  • In Next page click on View setup Instructions and copy the same url's and download certificate  (Applications from header menu at Okta, select Application, select Sign on)

  • Copy the IDP SSO url, Issuer url and download certificate and configure these in zephyr connection info (Administration → UserAuthentication System → Single Sign-On → Connection Info )

How to create users and assign people to zephyr application at OKTA

1.  Click on Directory and then click on people

2.  Click on Add person 

3. After creating user assign user to the zephyr application. After creating user, user will get an email from okta for password reset and user can update his password from the email link and can login

How to setup user authentication to SSO in zephyr

  1. Login as Manager go to the Administration → Click on user authentication and then click on SSO

  2. In the SSO URL, SSO issuer id, provide the details which we have copied earlier from OKTA and then choose certificate file and then click on Save


  3. Now in User mgmt create same users as OKTA with expire credential unchecked and then assign the users to the projects

  4. Now logout as Manager and launch http://localhost/flex/html5/login . This will show the login SSO in home page

  5. In next page login with OKTA credentials, it will redirect to zephyr without asking for zephyr credentials