RabbitMQ Deployment (Ubuntu)

Starting October 11, 2024 (Zephyr Enterprise 8.2), the Zephyr Enterprise documentation moved from its current location on Atlassian to a dedicated, standalone Zephyr Enterprise documentation page. Please see: https://support.smartbear.com/zephyr-enterprise/docs/en/zephyr-enterprise/zephyr-installation---upgrade-guides/zephyr-on-premise-production-installation/zephyr-enterprise-services/rabbitmq-deployment/rabbitmq-deployment--ubuntu-.html

RabbitMQ - Deployment (Ubuntu)

Setup RabbitMQ on Ubuntu with 1 node

Install RabbitMQ Server (Ubuntu 3.12.10)

Install RabbitMQ packages on all servers:

  1. Cloudsmith Quick Start Script.
    Run the below script file to install RabbitMQ on Ubuntu.

    For more installing details please refer: Installing on Debian and Ubuntu — RabbitMQ

    In the above script file, we have used the Distribution as “focal” like below, since our Ubuntu version is 20.04.
    deb [signed … /ubuntu focal main
    deb-src [signed-by…ubuntu focal main

    Please replace “focal” and use the appropriate Distribution name in your script file from the below table.
    jammy for Ubuntu 23.04
    jammy for Ubuntu 22.04
    focal for Ubuntu 20.04
    bionic for Ubuntu 18.04
    buster for Debian Buster, Bullseye, and Sid

  2. Once the RabbitMQ server package is installed, start and enable the RabbitMQ service with the following command:

    sudo systemctl start rabbitmq-server sudo systemctl enable rabbitmq-server
  3. Lastly, run the following command to verify the rabbitmq-server service’s status.
    sudo systemctl status rabbitmq-server

  4. You can also verify the version of RabbitMQ on your system using the following command.

    sudo rabbitmq-diagnostics server_version


Setting up an Admin User for RabbitMQ

The RabbitMQ admin user has permission to configure, read, and write any entity available on the RabbitMQ cluster.

  1. Run the rabbitmqctl command below to create a new user with userId and password.

sudo rabbitmqctl add_user [user_id] [password]
  1. Run the following command to set (set_user_tags) the new user (user_id) as administrator for the RabbitMQ cluster.

  1. Run the command toset_permissions to the new user with the following:

  • Allows (-p /) [user_id] user to access all vhosts on the RabbitMQ cluster.

  • First ".*" – Allows the user to configure permission for every entity and vhosts.

  • Second ".*" – Enables write-permission for the user to every entity and vhosts.

  • Third ".*" – Enables read-permission for the user to every entity and vhosts.

  1. To delete the user, use the below command:

  1. Run the below command to list all available users (list_users) on the RabbitMQ cluster.

Note: Once RabbitMQ UI is up you can log in by using the above username and password 

Enabling the RabbitMQ Management Plugin

The RabbitMQ Management Plugin provides a web-based management UI running on default port 15672 and the command-line management tool [rabbitmqadmin]

Run the rabbitmq-plugins command below on all servers to enable the rabbitmq_management plugin. This command automatically enables other necessary plugins, such as rabbitmq_management_agent and rabbitmq_web_dispatch.

At this point, the RabbitMQ management plugin is enabled and listens on port 15672. You can check it with the following command:


RabbitMQ - Cluster Deployment (Ubuntu)

Setup RabbitMQ Cluster on Ubuntu with 3 nodes

Setup Hostname Resolution

Before setting up the RabbitMQ cluster, you will need to set up hostname resolution on all servers. So each server can communicate with each other by hostname.

To do so, edit the /etc/hosts file on all cluster servers:

Add the following lines with your cluster IP address:

Make sure to provide the same hostname shown in your terminal, in the/etc/hosts file.


Now, run the ping command below to verify each hostname resolves to the correct IP address of the server. Each -c 3 option makes ping requests three times, then terminates the requests.

Install RabbitMQ Server (Ubuntu 3.12.10)

Install RabbitMQ packages on all servers:

  1. Cloudsmith Quick Start Script.
    Run the below script file to install RabbitMQ on Ubuntu.

    For more installing details please refer: Installing on Debian and Ubuntu — RabbitMQ
    In the above script file, we have used the Distribution as “focal” like below, since our Ubuntu version is 20.04.
    deb [signed … /ubuntu focal main
    deb-src [signed-by…ubuntu focal main

    Please replace “focal” and use the appropriate distribution name in your script file from the below table.
    jammy for Ubuntu 23.04
    jammy for Ubuntu 22.04
    focal for Ubuntu 20.04
    bionic for Ubuntu 18.04
    buster for Debian Buster, Bullseye, and Sid

  2. Once the RabbitMQ server package is installed, start and enable the RabbitMQ service with the following command:

  3. Lastly, run the following command to verify the rabbitmq-server service’s status.
    sudo systemctl status rabbitmq-server

  4. You can also verify the version of RabbitMQ on your system using the following command.

Configure RabbitMQ Cluster

RabbitMQ is an application written in Erlang and by default, provides a .erlang.cookie file on the RabbitMQ data directory (/var/lib/rabbitmq).

To create a RabbitMQ cluster, you’ll set up a .erlang.cookie file in each server with the same content and must be owned by the rabbitmq user and group.

  1. On server 1, execute the following command to check available files on the RabbitMQ data directory (/var/lib/rabbitmq). The command then prints the content of the .erlang.cookie file.

Copy the output (KZLPEPHVOZNLSARUVIOO) to your note because you’ll add this output to the s in server 2 and server 3 in the following steps. Mind you that you may get a different output of the .erlang.cookie. file than what’s shown below.

  1. Next, move to server 2 and server 3, and run the following command to stop the rabbitmq service.

  1. Edit the /var/lib/rabbitmq/.erlang.cookie file in your preferred text editor. Replace the original content with the one you noted in step one, save the changes and exit the editor.

  1. Now, run the below command to start the rabbitmq-server service.

  2. Run the following:

rabbitmqctl commands on server 2 and server 3 to add them to the RabbitMQ cluster (server 1).

  1. Finally, execute the rabbitmqctl command below to verify the RabbitMQ cluster status. You can run this from any server.

Setting up an Admin User for RabbitMQ

The RabbitMQ admin user has permission to configure, read, and write any entity available on the RabbitMQ cluster.

  1. Switch to server 1 and run the rabbitmqctl command below to create a new user with userId and password.

  1. Run the following command to set (set_user_tags) the new user (user_id) as administrator for the RabbitMQ cluster.

  1. Run the command toset_permissions to the new user with the following:

  • Allows (-p /) [user_id] user to access all vhosts on the RabbitMQ cluster.

  • First ".*" – Allows the user to configure permission for every entity and vhosts.

  • Second ".*" – Enables write-permission for the user to every entity and vhosts.

  • Third ".*" – Enables read-permission for the user to every entity and vhosts.

  1. To delete the user use below command

  1. Run the below command to list all available users (list_users) on the RabbitMQ cluster.

Note: Once RabbitMQ UI is up you can log in by using the above username and password

Enabling the RabbitMQ Management Plugin

The RabbitMQ Management Plugin provides a web-based management UI running on default port 15672 and the command-line management tool [rabbitmqadmin]

Run the rabbitmq-plugins command below on all servers to enable the rabbitmq_management plugin. This command automatically enables other necessary plugins, such as rabbitmq_management_agent and rabbitmq_web_dispatch.

At this point, the RabbitMQ management plugin is enabled and listens on port 15672. You can check it with the following command:

Once everything is done, the three RabbitMQ clusters should be up in RabbitMQ UI