JDBC.Properties File Field
Starting October 11, 2024 (Zephyr Enterprise 8.2), the Zephyr Enterprise documentation moved from its current location on Atlassian to a dedicated, standalone Zephyr Enterprise documentation page. Please see: https://support.smartbear.com/zephyr-enterprise/docs/en/zephyr-enterprise/zephyr-installation-and-upgrade-guides/zephyr-on-premise-production-installation/jdbc-properties-file-field.html
ZEPHYR_HOME = Zephyr installation directory
ZEPHYR_DATA = It is the place where your zephyrdata folder is present which has the attachments NODE_DATA = Path to nodedata folder
db.driverClassName = driverClassName corresponding to your selected database
db.url = database URL
db.username = database username
db.password = database password
db.name = Zephyr database schema name example itcc
hibernate.dialect = hibernate.dialect based on your selected database
db.dversion.username = dversion username
db.dversion.password = dversion password
db.type = database type such as Mysql, Oracle or MSSQL
jdbc.characterEncoding = utf8
db.persistence.manager = org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.bundle.MSSqlPersistenceManager
Needed only for oracle
db.dversion.connectionInitSql = ${dversion.connectionInitSql}
db.connectionInitSql = ${connectionInitSql}
db.validationQuery = ${validationQuery}
db.maxPoolSize = ${db.parametersdb.maxPoolSize}
Needed Only for backup and restore
server.port = Server port for backup and restore
backup.authorization = 8a8a9302d25c47
server.url = localhost
Needed by services-config.xml. Below is needed for SSL configuration
secured = false
Provide the correct keystore.file, keystore. password and keystore.alias if the secured property is true
keystore.file =
keystore.password =
keystore.alias =
Needed by repository
database.port = your database port
db.dversion.url = database dversion URL
db.dversion = diversion
db.installactionType = Based on the database choosen. For MSSQL it will be 4.
jarFileName = database jar name
repository.repositoryHome = C:/Program Files/Zephyr/repository
hibernate.searchindex.location = C:/Program Files/Zephyr/repository/dbindex
kettle properties, read in applicationContext-resources.xml
kettle.home = C:/Program Files/Zephyr/di/
kettle.database.host = localhost
kettle logging: nothing = 0, error = 1, minimal = 2, basic =3, detailed = 4, debug =5, rowlevel (extremely detailed) = 6
kettle.logging.level = 3
elastic.indices.query.bool.max_clause_count = 4096
#For ES running in transport mode please put these properties in <elasticsearch installation/config/elasticsearch.yml file
elastic.http.port = 9200
elastic.http.enabled = false
transport.nodes = http://localhost:9200
rest.enabled = true
enableMethodData = false
elastic.rest.prop.xpack.security.user = zephyr:elasticsearch password
zcloud.base.url = https://dev-predictive.zephyr4jiracloud.com
zcloud.auth.url = https://dev-predictive.zephyr4jiracloud.com/v1/api/auth
#Below field values populate when we first time install zephyr.
db.encPassword = WhOpkhkwfkheNzn00GKcoLKwaQg==
db.dversion.encPassword = WhkjhwrkhkhfekhkKwahawkjh
elastic.rest.prop.xpack.security.enc.user = elastic:elasticsearch(encrypted password)