Starting October 11, 2024 (Zephyr Enterprise 8.2), the Zephyr Enterprise documentation moved from its current location on Atlassian to a dedicated, standalone Zephyr Enterprise documentation page. Please see:
Zephyr allows you to quickly search for data across multiple projects and releases both in Quick and Advanced search modes. The Search button can be found on the Requirements, Test Repository and Test Execution pages in the top-right corner of Zephyr’s window:
Clicking the button opens the Search view where you can either enter some text to quickly find some items, or use a ZQL query to perform advanced search. Once you find the items, you can open them for editing or simply export the results by clicking Export (see Custom Export Report Wizard for more information):
In both Quick and Advanced modes, you can choose to search for items in the current release only by selecting the In this release check box.
Quick Search
In this mode, Zephyr searches across requirements, testcases or executions by the keyword, string, or phrase you have entered in the search field. Only enter “Text” such as the test case name:
Advanced Search
In this mode, you use the Zephyr Query Language (ZQL) to build a complex query that consists of simple elements strung together. The search box allows auto-completion making it really easy to construct a query. You can place the cursor in the search box and press the space bar on your keyboard to view a list of available fields, operators, keywords and values.
For example, if you are looking for all the failed tests in the Sample Project, you can enter the following query:
project = "Sample Project" and status = "Fail"
where project
and status
are fields, and Sample Project
and Fail
are the values joined together by the keyword and
Please refer to the ZQL Reference below for a list of all possible fields, operators and keywords.
Save filters
When you click Go to start the search, the Save Filter button becomes active. You can use it to save filters for later use:
To save the current filter:
Click the Save Filter button.
In the subsequent dialog, specify a name and description for your filter and click Save:
Zephyr will save the specified query and you will be able to reuse this filter later. This way you can save any number of filters and reuse them when needed.
The currently selected filter is shown on the right. To view a list of saved filters, click the down arrow button next to the filter name:
To clear the filter, click next to the the filter name.
If you want to update the filter, click Save Filter again.
If you want to save another filter with a different name, do the following:
Click the down arrow button on the Save Filter button and click Save Filter As:
In the subsequent dialog, specify a name and description for the filter and click Save:
Display Folder path
The folder path for the selected testcase in the Test Repository, Test Execution page and requirement in the Requirements page displays in search view.
You must select the In this release checkbox to view the folder path for a selected requirement.
Export results
You can export the found results as a custom report. To do that, select the needed items and click Export:
For more information on this, see Custom Export Report Wizard.
Search re-indexing
Sometimes, you may not find the results you are looking for even though you are sure the data exists in Zephyr. In this case, the administrator should perform search re-indexing.
Search on Custom Fields
You can search on custom fields in Advanced mode, provided that the fields have been marked as Searchable when creating custom fields for both testcases and requirements. It is important to note that search terms cannot have spaces in them nor can custom fields use the name of a reserved field or be a duplicate of an existing field.
ZQL Reference
ZQL is a simple structured query language that allows you to string together the right fields to search on with values, using the appropriate operators and keywords. The search box allows auto-completion making it really easy to construct a query. You can place the cursor in the search box and press the space bar on your keyboard to view a list of fields, operators, keywords and values.
For example, if you are looking for all the failed tests in the Sample Project, you can enter the following query:
project = "Sample Project" and status = "Fail"
where project
and status
are fields, and Sample Project
and Fail
are the values joined together by the keyword and
Below is a list of fields and operators you can use in ZQL queries:
Requirements | Test Cases | Test Executions | |||
Field | Operators | Field | Operators | Field | Operators |
altId | is | testcaseId | in | testcaseId | in |
creator | in | estimatedTime | is | notes | is |
details | is | creator | in | release | in |
release | in | release | in | project | in |
project | in | project | in | cycle | in |
id | is | priority | is | tag | is |
name | ~ | altId | is | executedBy | is |
url | is | version | in | estimatedTime | is |
priority | is | versionId | in | actualtime | is |
CustomField - Text | is | automated | = | creator | in |
CustomField - LongText | is | folder | in | priority | is |
CustomField - checkbox | in | contents | !~ | altId | is |
CustomField - Picklist | is | name | !~ | version | in |
CustomField - Number | in | comment | is | versionId | in |
| tag | is | automated | = |
| CustomField - Text | is | folder | in |
| CustomField - LongText | is | contents | !~ |
| CustomField - checkbox | in | name | !~ |
| CustomField - Picklist | is | comment | is |
| CustomField - Number | in | assignee | in |
| cyclephase | in |
| scheduleid | in |
| status | in |
| CustomField - Text | is |
| CustomField - LongText | is |
| CustomField - checkbox | in |
| CustomField - Picklist | is |
| CustomField - Number | in |
List of Keywords
A keyword is used for advanced searching. A keyword in ZQL is a word or phrase:
joins two or more clauses together to form a complex ZQL query
alters the logic of one or more clauses
alters the logic of operators
has an explicit definition in a ZQL query
performs a specific function that alters the results of a ZQL query
Operators | Description | Example |
AND | This is used to combine multiple clauses, that allows you to refine your search. You can use parentheses to control the order in which clauses are executed. | project = "Sample Project" and priority is "empty" |
OR | This is used to combine multiple clauses, that allows you to expand your search. You can use parentheses to control the order in which clauses are executed. | project = "Sample Project" or project = "Project A(Version)" |
NOT | This is used to negate individual clauses or a complex ZQL query (with more than one clause) using parentheses, thus allowing you to refine your search. | project = "Sample Project" not priority = "P3" |
List of ZQL Operators
This section describes information about operators that are used for advanced searching.
The following is the list of ZQL Operators:
Operators | Description | Example |
is | Searches for issues where the specified field has no value. Can be used with EMPTY fields only. | priority is "empty" |
is not | Searches for issues where the specified field is not EMPTY. Not all fields are compatible with this operator; check the individual field reference. | priority is not "empty" |
in | Searches for issues where the value of the specified field is one of multiple specified values. The values are specified as a comma-delimited list, surrounded by parentheses. | project in ( "Sample Project", "Project A(Version)") |
not in | Searches for issues where the field value is not one of the specified values. | project not in ( "Sample Project", "Project A(Version)") |
!~ | Searches for issues where the field value is not a "fuzzy" match for the specified value in text fields. Can be used with text fields only. | name !~ "Test" |
~ | Searches for issues where the field value matches the specified value in text fields. Can be used with text fields only. | name ~ "Test" |
= | Searches for issues where the value of the specified field exactly matches the specified value. Cannot be used with text fields. | project = "Sample Project" |
!= | Searches for issues where the specified field value does not match the given value. Cannot be used with text fields. | project != "Sample Project" |
is empty | Searches for items where the specified field does NOT have a value. | project = "Sample Project" and priority is "empty" |
is not empty | Searches for items where the specified field has a value. | project = "Sample Project" and priority is "not empty" |