Enabling and Disabling Users

Enabling and Disabling Users

Enabling Users

Prior to Enabling a User

Prior to enabling a user, there must be an existing user account in the system to edit and enable.

Scenario: You are a testing manager that has a role of a 'manager' in Zephyr. A QA tester has left your company but recently joined back. He had an existing account that was disabled but needs to be enabled so that he can reuse his old account for testing. As a testing manager, you want to enable his user account that was previously in the system.

1. Click on the individual user account that you want to enable.

2. Click on the checkbox for 'Account Enabled

  • This will enable the user account and allow the user to perform operations within the system.

3. After checking off the 'Account Enabled' checkbox, click on the "Save" button to finish making any changes to the user in the system.


You can tell if a user is enabled if the text in the user table is NOT italicized.

Disabling Users

Prior to Disabling a User

Prior to disabling a user, there must be an existing user account in the system to edit and disable.

Scenario: You are a testing manager that has a role of a 'manager' in Zephyr. The QA tester in your company has left, but he still has his account in the system. As a testing manager, you want to disable his existing user account in the system.

1. Click on the individual user account that you want to disable.

2. Click on the checkbox for 'Account Enabled' to make sure that it is not checked off.

  • This will disable the user account and not allow the user to perform operations within the system.

3. After checking off the 'Account Enabled' checkbox, click on the "Save" button to finish making any changes to the user in the system.


You can tell if a user is disabled if the text in the user table IS italicized.

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