

Starting October 11, 2024 (Zephyr Enterprise 8.2), the Zephyr Enterprise documentation moved from its current location on Atlassian to a dedicated, standalone Zephyr Enterprise documentation page. Please see: https://support.smartbear.com/zephyr-enterprise/docs/en/migrating-to-zephyr-enterprise/from-hp-alm/faq.html





Test steps have no files that were attached to them in ALM. Why?

Files that were attached to test steps in ALM can be found in the Attachments section of test cases.

Are custom fields of the System type migrated?

Yes, they are migrated once for all projects. Custom fields of the User type are migrated separately for each project.

Can I continue migrating my project if the migration failed?

You need to delete the existing project and start the migration from scratch. If you retry the migration, the existing test cases might be overwritten, which will result in corrupted data.

Is the execution history migrated?

Yes, the execution dates are migrated.

Should I migrate users for each project when performing parallel migration?

No, there is no need to do that. You migrate all the users only once, and then start migrating your projects.

Where can I view the migrated execution statuses?

You can view them in the Test Cases section of the Administration > Customizations page:

Can I roll back the migration?

No, migration rollback is impossible. If something went wrong, you can just delete the existing project in Zephyr and start migration from scratch.

Are the users I migrate when performing parallel migration assigned to any projects?

No, they are not. You just migrate users and execution statuses.

See Also

Migrating to Zephyr Enterprise

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