Create Parser Templates

Create Parser Templates


To create a parser template, send the following API request to your Zephyr server: 

POST http://{your-zephyr}/flex/services/rest/latest/parsertemplate 

Here, your-zephyr is the IP address or host name of your Zephyr server.

Use a payload like this for the request:

{ name: "My custom parser", jsonTemplate: "[{ status: "${testsuite.testcase.failure}", stepText: "${testsuite.testcase.failure}${testsuite.testcase.system-out}", statusExistPass: false, statusString: null, statusFailAttachmentText: "${testsuite.testcase.failure:message}", statusPassAttachmentText: "classname: ${testsuite.testcase:classname} name: ${testsuite.testcase:name} time: ${testsuite.testcase:time}", packageName: "${testsuite.testcase:classname}" , skipTestcaseNames: "", testcase: { name: "${testsuite.testcase:name}" }, requirements: [ { id: "${testsuite.testcase.requirements.requirement}" } ], attachments: [ { filePath: "${testsuite.testcase.attachments.attachment}" } ] }]" }

As you can see, the payload structure has two top-level properties: 


The Zephyr response will look like this -- 

{ "id": 101, "name": "My custom parser", "jsonTemplate": "[{ "status": "${testsuite.testcase.failure}", "stepText": "${testsuite.testcase.failure}${testsuite.testcase.system-out}", "statusExistPass": false, "statusString": null, "statusFailAttachmentText": "${testsuite.testcase.failure:message}", "statusPassAttachmentText": "classname: ${testsuite.testcase:classname} name: ${testsuite.testcase:name} time: ${testsuite.testcase:time}", "packageName": "${testsuite.testcase:classname}" , "skipTestcaseNames": "", "testcase" : {"name": "${testsuite.testcase:name}"}, "requirements": [ {"id": "${testsuite.testcase.requirements.requirement}"} ], "attachments": [ {"filePath": "${testsuite.testcase.attachments.attachment}"} ] }]", "isDeleted": false, "isDefault": false, "isSbAutomationTool": false, "createdBy": 1, "createdOn": 1581580703992 }

Here --

  • id – An identifier that Zephyr assigned to the template. You will use it to specify a template you want to edit or delete. 

  • jsonTemplate – The template contents (see Parser Template Syntax). 

  • isDeleted – Indicates whether the template has been deleted or not. 

  • isDefault – true if a template is a pre-configured request, or false if it is a user-defined request.  

  • isSbAutomationTool – Used internally. 

  • createdBy – The id of the user who created the template. 

  • createdOn – The creation timestamp. 


A template becomes available right after you created it. All the templates are available for your entire organization in Zephyr. 

See Also

Create, Edit and Delete Parser Templates

Parser Templates

Parser Template Syntax