Defect Search
Defects can be searched for in 3 ways:
- By entering the Defect ID and clicking on Search
- By using Basic Search: selecting the appropriate criteria from the drop-downs to narrow down the search and clicking on Search. The search criteria are Project, IssueType (if integrated with JIRA), Version, Status, Priority, Filed By and Assigned To.
- By using Advanced Search (if integrated with JIRA): either using JQL or selecting from the list of saved filters (these are the saved filters from JIRA)
The list of returned defect(s) to the Search are shown in the Defects Listing. A single-click to select any item in the list displays the details of that defect in the pane below. A double-click on a defect in the list displays the entire defect in the Defect Details tab. This is a larger area and allows more of the defect to be displayed.
If using an external defect tracking system, clicking on the ID of the defect opens a new browser window and navigates to that defect in the external defect tracking system.
Basic Search:
Advanced Search:
Linked Testcases
If defects have been filed as new defects from testcase executions or if existing defects have been linked, the search results shows a "Testcase(s)" column that displays the testcase IDs of those testcases. Hovering over them shows the ID and Summary of that testcase. Clicking on a testcase ID takes a user directly to the global search window where it displays all instances of that testcase's executions.
Changing Multiple
Multiple defects can be changed at once. This can be done by selecting the main check box next to the ID field or selecting individual defects. Then clicking on the Change Multiple pops up a dialog that allows many fields to be changed at once.
A single defect or a list of defects can be exported to an Excel file by selecting the appropriate check boxes and clicking on the Export button.