Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


Adding a Node in Test Repository


Adding Test Cases


Editing Test Cases


Testcase Versions


Cloning Test Cases


Deleting Test Cases


Mapping Requirements to Test Cases


Tracking Automation


Importing Test Cases


Exporting Test Cases


Copy Test Cases from Project Releases


Share Test Cases from Project Releases


Return to Test Repository



In Zephyr Enterprise, releases consists of test cases that exist within the system for testing. Users can add nodes/folders in the test repository section to the system which helps to provide a structure for the requirements.


titleClick to view more information on terminology regarding this page

Test RepositoryA detailed tree structure of test cases that are organized in nodes/folders.
Test CaseSpecification or set of the inputs, executions conditions, testing procedure, and expected results that define a single test to be executed to ensure the feature/function is working as intended.
NodeNode are essentially folders that are used to help structure and organize requirements.

Child pages (Children Display)

Search and Folder View Toggle
