Data Center Installation on Linux (Using GUI or Command Line)

Data Center Installation on Linux (Using GUI or Command Line)

This section applies specifically to the Zephyr Enterprise Data Center product. The information below is generally used to ensure that system administrators can install their new Zephyr Enterprise Data Center product instance on a Linux environment using the GUI or Command Line. 

This section provides step-by-step instructions for installing the Zephyr Enterprise Data Center on Linux. This is just one part of a larger setup for Zephyr Enterprise Data Center to be setup and work properly. Please be sure to have read the sections below before proceeding to the steps.


  • Review all system requirements thoroughly
  • Have a database installed, running, and configured to connect with Zephyr Enterprise Data Center
    • If this is not done, please proceed here to begin database setup
  • Ensure you have the correct Data Center license file (license.lic) as this will be required during the installation process
    • If you do not have this license file, please contact your Zephyr Account Manager or send an email to sales@getzephyr.com
  • Ensure timezone setting for all nodes are uniform
  • Download and install required software
    • Java JDK 8u101 or higher
  • Download Zephyr Enterprise Data Center

Installing Java

  • Follow Oracle's install instructions linked here. 
  • Once installation is complete, set the environment variables and continue to installing Zephyr Enterprise section below

Installing Zephyr Enterprise Data Center using GUI

Step 1:
For the first node installation (NODE 1), run the installer as normal.

For all subsequent nodes, run the installer from the command line using the option to skip database modification, ie:

zephyr_6.0_*.sh -VzSkipZephyrSeverStart=true -VzSkipStartupData=true -VzSkipDropData=true

Once the setup file has been launched, the following Welcome screen will display automatically

Step 2: A quick reminder on the Requirements needed to install and run Zephyr successfully 

Step 3: You will be prompted with the full EULA which will require acceptance of the terms stated before continuing

Step 4: After accepting the EULA, you will be prompted to enter the Zephyr Enterprise home directory. You will be notified of the required and available disk space

Step 5: Select the Data Center deployment option

Step 6: This step will prompt you to enter the directory location of your license file provided by Zephyr SalesYou can browse your system directory if you do not know the direct path

Step 7: This step allows the customization of the ports used by Zephyr. The default suggested ports are already provided, however you can customize the port usage by entering in your own custom port number for each

Step 8: This step allows you to customize the MySQL parameters needed by Zephyr. The character set is UFT8 by default and cannot be changed. You will need to enter the URL for your MySQL database and the directory location of the JDBC driver. Use the 'Test Connection' button and verify a success before continuing

A successful connection test will return this dialog box

Step 10: Files are now copied and various services are started

Step 11: At the end of that process, the Zephyr server installation is complete and allows for the Zephyr Enterprise login page to be immediately launched

Note: Depending on the speed of the machine, it may take a few minutes for the login dialog to appear when launching Zephyr for the first time. This is to allow all services to start up correctly. Subsequent launches will be much faster.

Installation using Command Line  (MySQL Database)

Step 1. Open terminal and move to directory where installer file is placed and type command:

# sh <Build name> -c Press [Enter], '-c' will start installation through command line.

Step 2. Type 'o' and press Enter to continue.

Step 3. View the requirements for the setup, press Enter.

Step 4. Read "D Software End user License Agreement".

Step 4.1: Go through step by step from 1 to 17 till end of License Agreement.

Step 5. Enter 1 to accept the terms of License Agreement.

Step 6. Select the directory where ZE 5.0 to be installed.

Step 7. Choose deployment mode.

a) If you want to use  Single node then Type '1', " Server deployment " and Enter.

b) If you want to use  Multiple node then Type '2', " Data Center deployment " and Enter.

Step 8. Type the License file Path.

Step 9. Enter Ports by default its selected to '80' and '8005', if these port are not available can choose any unused port ranging from 1 to 65535.

Step 10. Enter Database details

Step 10.1 Select Database

a) For Server mode, only MySQL is applicable so type '1'.

b) For Data center deployment mode Select '1' for MySQL among 3 option.

Step 10.2 Enter username, password, Database URL and Database driver file, and Press 'Énter'.

Step 11. On successful installation will get the below output.

Now you can start using Zephyr Enterprise Data Center!


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