/wiki/spaces/ZEE50/pages/78282823 Test Cycles contain Test Phases. Using the cycle menu on the left lets you expand a cycle with phases in it to see those phases in both the left and right pane, underneath their respective cycles.
The first option shows all the root-level folder nodes as set up in the /wiki/spaces/ZEE50/pages/78053454 Test Repository tool and allows the creation of a structured Test Phase with all of the testcases underneath automatically added. If you want to execute testcases belonging to a nested sub-folder node, you must chose the parent folder node here. The /wiki/spaces/ZEE50/pages/78086312 Assignments window will allow you to selectively chose only the testcases you want to assign for execution.
2. Free form
The second option allows the creation a new free-form Test Phase in which you can give it any name (ie: "Free-form tests") and the /wiki/spaces/ZEE50/pages/78086312 Assignments window will allow you to add the specific testcases you want
On selecting a phase and clicking on the Delete button, the entire Phase is deleted after a confirmation, including its /wiki/spaces/ZEE50/pages/78086312 assignments and execution statuses. This cannot be undone.
There are two ways to assign testers to a phase; use the cycle context menu on the left pane or right-click the phase in the right pane. The /wiki/spaces/ZEE50/pages/78086312 assignments window displays testcase execution assignments. The assignments window will also let you sync your testcases to add any new testcases or commit changes from the test repository to existing assignments.
On selecting a phase and clicking on the Export button, the entire Phase can be exported via /wiki/spaces/ZEE50/pages/78086533 Custom Export Report Wizard. This includes details such as test cycles, testcases, assignments, schedules and execution statuses.