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Starting Release 8.2, Zephyr Enterprise documentation has moved from its current location on Atlassian to a dedicated, standalone Zephyr Enterprise Documentation page. Please see:


Integrating ReadyAPI into Zephyr allows Zephyr to directly trigger the execution of ReadyAPI Projects.  Zephyr will also be able to retrieve test case execution results for visualization within Zephyr.

There are two supported approaches for integration with ReadyAPI, both leveraging Vortex:

  • Approach 1 allows triggering ReadyAPI projects directly from Zephyr Enterprise, which then parses the generated JUnit XML file to update the test case execution results.

  • Approach 2 involves using the CI/CD pipeline, which needs to be set up and triggered separately in the CI/CD pipeline as a post-build.

The table below outlines the pros and cons of each approach: 




1 - Triggering ReadyAPI Directly

  • Ready API Projects can be triggered from the Zephyr Enterprise GUI.

  • Tests cannot be scheduled, they are triggered manually from Zephyr Enterprise

2 - Leveraging CI/CD Pipeline to trigger the script

  • Ready API Project can be triggered from the CI/CD using the API

  • You can schedule the Test from the CI/CD pipeline

  • It requires extra steps during the setup.

  • It relies on another application to manage the triggering.

Triggering ReadyAPI directly from Zephyr Enterprise

Overview of this Approach

The diagram below gives an overview of this setup:


Setup Process Overview

  1. Install ReadyAPI and create a Shell script or BAT file to trigger the desired project

  2. Install and configure zBot on the same machine as ReadyAPI

  3. Setup an Automation job in Zephyr Enterprise

Step 1 - Install and Configure ReadyAPI

Step 1a - If needed, install ReadyAPI

Step 1b - Ensure that it can be executed for the desired project

Please make sure you're able to run ReadyAPI and execute the desired project properly.

Step 1c - Generate the Shell Script or BAT file

For this integration to work, Zephyr needs to be able to trigger ReadyAPI. It’s possible to trigger ReadyAPI directly, but it’s advisable to trigger a Shell Script or BAT file instead for the sake of convenience and future editing.  


Please create a Shell script file located in the same machine as ReadyAPI with the content below: -j -J -f<fullPathForResults> “-RJUnit-Style HTML Report" -FXML "-EDefault environment" <fullPathToProject>


<fullPathToProject> is the full path and file name for the ReadyAPI.xml project

<fullPathForResults> is the desired full path and file name for the JUnit XML report (.xml file)

For example:
/Applications/ -j -J -f/Users/govind.drolia/Documents/readyAPI/result "-RJUnit-Style HTML Report" -FXML "-EDefault environment" /Users/govind.drolia/Documents/readyAPI/REST-Sample-Project-readyapi-project.xml

we can also get the command directly from the ReadyAPI for more details about the command line follow the document TestRunner | ReadyAPI Documentation.

After creating the Shell script file, please trigger it locally to ensure the ReadyAPI project is executed automatically, and that the JUnit XML results are saved to the expected .xml file. 

The approach of using a Shell Script file is particularly useful if we want to perform some cleanup operations, like deleting temporary files from the automation run, closing the Browser, or closing down.

Same as Above we can generate the .bat file

Step 2 - Install and Configure ZBot

ZBot is an agent for Zephyr Enterprise that runs on the same machine as the target test automation tool and communicates with Zephyr Enterprise to receive jobs and post results. You may read more about it here: ZBot Overview

Please follow the instructions below to install the ZBot on the local machine. Installing and Getting Started with ZBots

Step 3 - Setup Vortex Automation

Setup Vortex (including ZBot) using the steps mentioned here for “How to Add and Execute Automation Job”: Zephyr Vortex

Please see below the final Vortex configuration:


Leveraging the CI/CD Pipeline without ZBOT

Steps for setting up the CI/CD Pipeline

Setup CI/CD pipeline using the steps mentioned here:-

  • In this, we are using the API to publish the result directly to Zephyr. The API used is API Operations for Automation Jobs | Create and execute a job for this user can use this API in their CI/CD pipeline as a post-build action.

Here is what the shell script for the post-build should look like:

/Applications/ -j -J -f/Users/govind.drolia/Documents/readyAPI/result "-RJUnit-Style HTML Report" -FXML "-EDefault environment" /Users/govind.drolia/Documents/readyAPI/REST-Sample-Project-readyapi-project.xml
#Job Information
taskDescription="Update results to Zephyr"
automationFramework="SoapUI Pro"  
# Cycle info
# Folder info
# folder needs to be present beforehand 
testRepositoryPath="Release 1.0 > ReadyAPI"
# Name of the test result file
json="{\"releaseId\":$releaseId,\"jobName\": \"$jobName\",\"automationFramework\": \"$automationFramework\",\"cycleName\": \"$cycleName\",\"jobDetailTcrCatalogTreeId\":$jobDetailTcrCatalogTreeId,\"projectId\":$projectId,\"testRepositoryPath\": \"$testRepositoryPath\",\"cycleEndDateStr\": \"$cycleEndDateStr\",\"cycleStartDateStr\": \"$cycleStartDateStr\",\"isReuse\": $isReuse,\"assignResultsTo\": \"$assignResultsTo\",\"phaseName\": \"$phaseName\"}"
echo $json
#CreteAnd Execute the job
curl -o headers -s -v -i -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -H "Authorization:  Bearer $Token" -F "fileName=$resultPath" -F "automationJobDetail=$json" -XPOST $zephyrurl/flex/services/rest/$createAndExecute
result="$(cat  headers | head -n 1)"
echo "Test results: \n"
#echo $result
# END of the "Create task" code

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