Zephyr Help Menu

Zephyr for Jira is now Zephyr Squad! Read more about this.

Zephyr for Jira is now Zephyr Squad! Read more about this.

Zephyr for Jira provides a Help button that displays multiple options to our users that assist in downloading a Zbot, creating a support ticket or allowing users to vote on new features on our Trello board.

  • This Help button is only available on Zephyr-owned pages and will not be displayed for any default Jira pages.

Download Zbot

By clicking this option, you will automatically download a ZIP file containing your ZBot. Please navigate to the Download and Use Zbot page for further help.


The support option allows our users to easily create ad submit a new support request.

By clicking this option, you will be navigated to the SmartBear support portal where you can create a new support request if you are running into any issues or need assistance.

Vote on features

This vote on features options allows our users more insight into our planning for the project in regards to features for future releases. Users can see and vote on features that they want to be implemented.

By clicking this option, you will be navigated to the Zephyr for Jira (Server) Trello board where you can vote on features to be implemented in future releases.