6.7.2 Release Notes
June 24th, 2020
Zephyr Enterprise 6.7.2 includes the following improvements:
Upgraded the supported version of Elasticsearch to 6.8.1. Please note that Elasticsearch 5.5.0. is not supported anymore, so when upgrading Zephyr Enterprise to version 6.7.2, you need to upgrade Elasticsearch as well. For information on how to do that, see Zephyr On-Premise Upgrade Instructions.
Performance improvements on the interface to Jira, so that links to Zephyr cases in Jira tickets are updated faster now.
Previous Versions
Version 6.7.1
Version 6.7
Version History
Bug fixes
Below is brief information on the bugs fixed in version 6.7.2:
Internal ID | Functional Area | Description |
ZEPHYR-29172 | Jira Integration | Fixed: Added support for GZIP compression in the Jira API. This was throwing an error when creating a Jira defect in Zephyr and it was not clear whether the defect had been created. |
ZEPHYR-29190 | Performance | Fixed: The Test Planning page was taking too long to load if you switched to it from the Test Execution page containing too many items. |
ZEPHYR-28967 | Email Notifications | Fixed: Some email notifications were not sent if the From Email Address in SMTP Settings differed from the Test Manager's email address. |
ZEPHYR-29203 | Jira Integration | Fixed: Files attached to a Jira defect in Zephyr were not shown in Jira. |