6.7.3 Release Notes
Zephyr Enterprise 6.7.3 - July 16, 2020
Zephyr Enterprise 6.7.3 fixes a number of bugs reported by our customers.
Bug fixes:
Test cases could not be deleted from the Test Repository while an import job was running. (ZEPHYR-29141)
Imported test cases did not retain line breaks in test step fields. (ZEPHYR-29008)
The Script Path field on the Vortex > Automation Jobs Creation page was limited to 128 characters even though the data field could hold 1024 characters. (ZEPHYR-29064)
URLs were truncated in test steps of test cases created via a Vortex job based on a Cucumber scenario. (ZEPHYR-29200)
The Jenkins plugin could not upload test results to Zephyr if Jenkins and Zephyr servers used different time zones. (ZEPHYR-29124)
The Jenkins plugin could not upload test results to Zephyr if the Jenkins master node was Linux and the agent node was Windows. (ZEPHYR-28943)
The Execution Backlog gadget showed wrong metrics if a user performed bulk execution of test cases that belonged to the same phase but were assigned to multiple users. (ZEPHYR-28251)
Disabling the Enable Email notification option was not saved. (ZEPHYR-29089)
The top menu disappeared after clicking the Edit button on the Dashboards page. (ZEPHYR-29050)
Previous Versions
Version 6.7.2
Version 6.7.1
Version 6.7
Version History