Create a Test Case Tree

Create a Test Case Tree

Create a folder or phase

Use the following operation to create a folder or phase in Zephyr Enterprise:

POST /flex/services/rest/v3/testcasetree?parentid=0&assignedusers=

Request format

To create a folder or phase, send a POST request to the following URL:


Request body

{ "name":"N4", "description":"", "type":"Phase", "releaseId":1 }

releaseId - the ID of the release.
For information on creating a tree node, see Create Tree Node.

Response body

{ "id": 17, "type": "Phase", "name": "N4", "description": "", "revision": 0, "categories": [], "assignedUsers": [1,2,3,5,6,7,8], "releaseId": 1, "linkedTCRCatalogTreeId": 0, "createdOn": 1588073471630, "createdBy": 1, "lastModifiedBy": 1, "lastModifiedOn": 1588073471641, "testcaseCount": 0, "cumulativeTestcaseCount": 0 }

Create a sub-folder or sub-phase

Use the following operation to create a sub-folder or sub-phase in Zephyr Enterprise:

POST /flex/services/rest/v3/testcasetree?parentid={ID of the parent folder}

Request format

To create a sub-folder or sub-phase, send a POST request to the following URL:

http://{ZEPHYR-SERVER}/flex/services/rest/v3/testcasetree?parentid={ID of the parent folder}

Request body

{ "name":"Sub Folder", "description":"", "type":"Module", "releaseId":1 }

releaseId - the ID of the release.
parentid - the ID of the parent folder of the sub-folder you want to create.
For information on creating a tree node, see Create Tree Node.

Response body

{ "parentId": 17, "id": 18, "type": "Module", "name": "N4 sub folder", "description": "", "revision": 0, "categories": [], "assignedUsers": [1,2,3,5,6,7,8], "releaseId": 1, "linkedTCRCatalogTreeId": 0, "createdOn": 1588073734061, "createdBy": 1, "lastModifiedBy": 1, "lastModifiedOn": 1588073734072, "testcaseCount": 0, "cumulativeTestcaseCount": 0 }

Create a test case

Use the following operation to create a test case in Zephyr Enterprise:

POST /flex/services/rest/latest/testcase/

Request format

To create a test case, send a POST request to the following URL:


Request body

{ "tcrCatalogTreeId": 18, "testcase": { "name": "Testcase in Sub-Folder" } }

tcrCatalogTreeId - the ID of the folder where you want to create the test case.

For more information on creating test cases, see Create Test Case.
Response body

{ "id": 49, "tcrCatalogTreeId": 18, "revision": 0, "stateFlag": 0, "lastModifiedOn": 1588074263271, "versionNumber": 1, "createDatetime": 1588074263271, "createdById": 1, "modifiedById": 1, "testcase": { "customProperties": {}, "customProcessedProperties": {}, "id": 31, "name": "Testcase in Sub-Folder", "lastModifiedOn": 1588074263243, "creationDate": 1588057200000, "createDatetime": 1588074263271, "tcCreationDate": "04/28/2020", "creatorId": 1, "lastUpdaterId": 1, "automated": false, "customFieldProcessed": false, "customFieldValues": [], "testcaseSequence": { "seqNumber": 29 }, "testcaseId": 29, "versionNumber": 1, "projectId": 1, "testcaseType": "ORIGINAL", "requirementIds": [], "requirementIdsNew": [], "automatedDefault": false, "testcaseShared": false },

Update an existing test case (update the tag, priority, custom fields, etc.)

Use the following operation to update a test case in Zephyr Enterprise:

PUT /flex/services/rest/v3/testcase/{id}

Request format

To update a test case, send a PUT request to the following URL:


{id} - the ID of the entity you want to update.

Request body

{ "id": 667, "testcase": { "customProperties": { "zcf_1003": "Text Value" }, "customProcessedProperties": {}, "id": 385, "name": "Untitled1", "priority":2, "estimatedTime": 600, "testcaseId": 373, "projectId": 1, "comments": "", "tags": [ "Tag1", "tag2" ], "tagOptions": [], "tag": "Tag1 tag2" }, "projectId": 1, "releaseId": 1 }

Response body

{ "id": 667, "tcrCatalogTreeId": 20, "revision": 0, "stateFlag": 0, "lastModifiedOn": 1588075481270, "versionNumber": 1, "createDatetime": 1588075400249, "createdById": 9, "modifiedById": 1, "testcase": { "customProperties": {"zcf_1003": "Text Value"}, "customProcessedProperties": {}, "id": 385, "name": "Untitled1", "description": "", "priority": "2", "tag": "Tag1 tag2", "lastModifiedOn": 1588075481270, "creationDate": 1588032000000, "createDatetime": 1588075400255, "tcCreationDate": "04/28/2020", "comments": "", "isComplex": false, "estimatedTime": 600, "writerId": 0, "creatorId": 9, "lastUpdaterId": 1, "oldId": 0, "automated": false, "customFieldProcessed": true, "customFieldValues": [ { "fieldId": 1003, "entityId": 373, "fieldName": "zcf_1003", "displayName": "Text1", "fieldTypeMetadata": 1, "textValue": "Text Value", "id": 31, "testcaseVersionId": 385, "createDatetime": 1588075481278, "modifiedDatetime": 1588075481278, "createdById": 1, "modifiedById": 1, "value": "Text Value" }], "testcaseSequence": {"seqNumber": 373}, "testcaseId": 373, "versionNumber": 1, "projectId": 1, "testcaseType": "ORIGINAL", "requirementIds": [], "requirementIdsNew": [], "automatedDefault": false, "testcaseShared": false }, "projectId": 1, "releaseId": 1, "isDerivedFromBDD": false, "orderId": 494, "maxVersionNumber": 1, "projectIdParam": 1, "original": true }

Create a test step

Use the following operation to create a test step in Zephyr Enterprise:

POST /flex/services/rest/latest/testcase/{testcaseVersionId}/teststep/detail/{tctId}

Request format

To create a test step, send a POST request to the following URL:


{testcaseVersionId} - the ID of the test case version.
tctId - test case ID in the test case tree.

Request body

{ "tcId": 199, "maxId": 1, "step": { "step": "login to application", "data": "enter credentials", "result": "login successful", "orderId": 1 }, "tctId": 215 }

tcId - the test case ID.
maxId - the maximum number of steps.
orderId - the step order ID.

Response body

{ "id" : 1, "tcId" : 199, "maxId" : 1, "steps" : [ ], "step" : { "customProperties" : { }, "customProcessedProperties" : { }, "id" : 1, "localId" : 1, "orderId" : 1, "step" : "login to application", "data" : "enter credentials", "result" : "login successful", "customFieldProcessed" : true, "customFieldValues" : [ ] }, "maxVersionNumber" : 1, "testcaseVersionId" : 199, "releaseId" : 4, "projectId" : 1, "tctId" : 215 }

For more information on test step creation, see Create Test Step.

Update a test step

Use the following operation to update an existing test step in Zephyr Enterprise:

PUT /flex/services/rest/latest/testcase/{testcaseVersionId}/teststep/detail/{tctId}

Request format

To update an existing test step, send a PUT request to the following URL:


{testcaseVersionId} - the ID of the test case version.
tctId - test case ID in the test case tree.

Request body

{ "id": 4, "tcId": 6, "maxId": 1, "steps": [], "step": { "customProperties": {}, "customProcessedProperties": {}, "id": 7, "localId": 1, "orderId": 1, "step": "login to application update", "data": "enter credentials update ", "result": "login successful update", "customFieldProcessed": true, "customFieldValues": [] }, "maxVersionNumber": 1, "testcaseVersionId": 6, "releaseId": 1, "projectId": 1, "tctId": 7 }

tcId - the test case ID.
maxId - the maximum number of steps.
orderId - the step order ID.

See Also

Migration REST API


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