Create a Release

Create a Release

Use the following operation to create a release in Zephyr Enterprise:

POST /flex/services/rest/latest/release/

Request format

To create a release, send a POST request to the following URL:


Request body

{ "name":"release 3.0", "description":"", "releaseStartDate":"07/30/2019", "releaseEndDate":"08/31/2019", "projectId":1 }

projectId - the ID of the project in which you want to create the release.

Response body

{ "id": 10, "name": "release 3.0", "description": "", "startDate": 1564470000000, "releaseStartDate": "07/30/2019", "endDate": 1567234800000, "releaseEndDate": "08/31/2019", "createdDate": 1588073157080, "projectId": 1, "orderId": 2, "globalRelease": false, "projectRelease": false }

See Also

Migration REST API

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