Post-upgrade recommendations
Step 1: After upgrading, we recommend users clear the browser cache when accessing the Zephyr application if they experience issues regarding cached pages.
Step 2: Log in as an Administrator and trigger the Full Reindexing manually.
Step 3: Update ZBot. You can download the ZBot installation file from Zephyr by clicking the username in the top-right corner and selecting the ‘Download ZBot’ option from the dropdown.
Step 4: Update the Jira configuration after the upgrade
Once the upgrade is successful, on login into Zephyr user will get the below popup. (If Jira is integrated before the upgrade)
Once the user navigates to the Jira Integration page → the Jira connections will be highlighted in RED as shown in the screenshot below:
Once all services are up and running → For Automatic webhook management → click on the Update Webhook button from the Jira Integration page.
In Jira, the webhook URL will be updated as per the new webhook URL:
The new webhook URL would be something like:
Example :-
Step 5: For Manual webhook management, copy the URL from the popup as shown in the below screenshot and go to Jira, to create a webhook with the new URL. The below popup will appear when integrating a Zephyr project with a Jira project or In Jira Integration → click on the Edit icon under the Action column and save the Jira Integration again.