In Zephyr Enterprise, users consists of people that exist within the system for testing. By default, there is at least 1 manager in the system. Managers can add additional users to the system which includes the following fields and options: Type and Role of the user, the Title and Location of the user in the company, a unique Username, and some other optional fields. When adding users, managers are able to allocate users to specific projects to work on as well. To learn how to add users, please view the steps below.
Table of Contents
The steps below describe in detail the general process of adding, editing, enabling, and disabling a user for Zephyr Enterprise. To view further instructions for each individual function, please click the links provided below. By clicking on a link, you will be redirected to the page with the steps corresponding to the function selected.
Adding Users
Prior to Adding a User
Prior to adding a user, there must be an existing administrator that has been created in Zephyr Enterprise. The administrator/system user must be logged in and be under the User Setup section within the administration section.
Scenario: You are a testing manager that just that has a role of a 'manager' in Zephyr Enterprise. As a testing manager, you want to add a brand new test lead as a user in the system.
If this is your first time managing users, you might want to work with a test user rather than an actual user in the system, and that way, you can work out any issues you might have with managing users before you work with live users.
1. Click on the button at the top right of the interface.
2. Fill in the following mandatory fields,
- First Name - The first name of the user.
- Last Name - The last name of the user.
- User - An individual/person who users or operates functions within Zephyr Enterprise.
- Role - A category used to give specific permissions to users in the system. These permissions give users the access and the ability to perform certain tasks throughout the system.
- Lead
- Tester
- Dashboard
- Manager
- Email - The email address of the user.
- Location - The location of the workplace for the user in the system.
There are plenty of optional fields such fields for the user's address, their work, mobile and home phone numbers, and fields to distinguish their business title and employee type. These fields are not necessary and are there for convenience.
The default username for a new user will always be their First Name and Last Name. You have the option to select the checkbox to customize their username if you wish to do so as well.
3. After filling in all the mandatory fields, click on the "Save" Button to create the user in the system.