Upgrade from 5.X to Latest 5.X

Upgrade from 5.X to Latest 5.X

This section applies specifically to the Zephyr Enterprise product and provides instructions on upgrading the Zephyr Enterprise instance. The information below is generally used to ensure that system administrators can upgrade and update their Zephyr Enterprise product instance. 

With Zephyr Enterprise 5.0, Zephyr administrators no longer need to be backed up, uninstalled, reinstalled, and restored a backup in order to upgrade. You can now upgrade your instance by just downloading the newest setup file and running the upgrade process on your existing instance. The previous requirement for a separate upgrader utility is not needed when using this upgrade route.

Best Practice Before Upgrading

As a best practice before upgrading, we strongly recommend performing a backup of your database to ensure data integrity and to make the upgrade as seamless as possible during the transition.

  • Database backups are extremely ideal when you are upgrading your Zephyr instance to retain your data if any issues occur during the upgrade process.

For any upgrade, ensure that a database backup is performed.

Please navigate through the links below that best describe your preferred upgrade environment (either Windows or Linux). 

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