Zephyr 6.6 Bug Fixes

Zephyr 6.6 Bug Fixes

What do we define as a Bug Fix:

Bug Fixes are product issues that we were aware of that have been properly fixed and resolved so that they would not actively affect users using Zephyr.

Bug fixes are not issues regarding product outages and does not include feature requests or ideas.

For any additional assistance with any known issues that require guidance from our support team, please visit our support website and create a ticket for help.

Bug Fixes:

Resolution Status


Internal reference

Resolution Status


Internal reference


The Excel Report field would not list the Assigned To, Start Date and End Date fields.

ZEPHYR - 28105


The Tomcat folder was filled with .gz files that consumed excessive hard drive space.

ZEPHYR - 28016


The UI would sometime be blocked when working with Zephyr pages in Internet Explorer.

ZEPHYR - 27922


The About Zephyr page had a section for advanced analytics which included information on multiple licenses. The section has been removed as there is only 1 license file required now.

ZEPHYR - 27797


When running test cases, Zephyr would carry over the description of the previous test cases to the next test case in both the full view and detail view.

ZEPHYR - 27796


It was not possible to select Jira users in the Assignee drop-down list when their user role was not specified in the User Setup page.

ZEPHYR - 27791


When the Defect Tracking System was set to Zephyr, the update defect window wouldn’t properly display the component’s values.

ZEPHYR - 27790


While searching defects by using the Assignee and Filed By field with the basic filter, the search results were not received.

ZEPHYR - 27715


When creating defects in the Defect Tracking page, the field names are not displaying properly but when hovering, it would show the complete (full) name of the fields.

ZEPHYR - 27666


Zephyr would display the defect “D” button for passed test cases. It would be possible for a user to file a defect for a passed test case.

ZEPHYR - 27222


When changing the execution status to and from the “Not Executed” status, it would not reflect those changes in the Execution History.

ZEPHYR - 23327


The horizontal axis on the Test Execution by Cycle gadget would render incorrectly which would bunch up information.

ZEPHYR - 21222


When viewing a test case in the Test Repository, it was not possible to open and navigate to the Test Execution screen for test cases that had the “Unexecuted” status.

ZEPHYR - 27935


The save and cancel buttons were not always visible when a user selects the test case/requirement for mapping.

ZEPHYR - 27932


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