Zephyr Server Installation using Var File
Zephyr Server Installation using Var File
Installation Steps:
1. Download the installer file.
2. Download and install ElasticSearch 5.5.0 in Linux
Configuration file - response.var file
wget https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-5.5.0.rpm → to download elastic search sudo rpm -ivh elasticsearch-5.5.0.rpm → run this command to install ( It will install elastic search in etc/elasticsearch) Go to the path /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml (Change the public ip of the machine as per the attached sample file)
Configuration file - response.var file
To start / stop elasticsearch go to etc/init.d path → sh elasticsearch start go to etc/init.d path → sh elasticsearch stop
Configuration file - response.var file
To check if elasticsearch working → launch the browser and hit url : Note: In the conf use private ip address
Sample elasticsearch.yml file attached:
3. Now, create the response.var file.
Configuration file - response.var file
#install the response file for Zephyr 6.2 choiceInstallDir=/usr/local/zephyr ------> Give the path where zephyr needs to be Installed choiceIsLicenseSelected=true sys.adminRights$Boolean=true sys.component.12606$Boolean=true sys.component.EmbeddedMySQLComponent$Boolean=false sys.installationDir=/usr/local/zephyr sys.languageId=en zDBPassWord=ijsduJKUi --------------------> Give the Mysql password zDBUserName=root --------------------> Give Mysql username zDbUrl=jdbc\:mysql\://localhost\:3306/ zDriverJarFilePath=/home/zephyr/build/mysql-connector-java-5.1.40-bin.jar ---------------> Give ur jar file path zLaunchDesktopPostInstall$Boolean=true zLicenseFilePath=/home/zephyr/build/license.lic -----> Give license path zSelectedItem$Integer=0 zServerPort$Long=80 ---------------> Give the available port zShutdownPort$Long=8005 ------------> Give the available port zdummyVariable$Integer=0 zChooseType$Integer=0 -------------> This value should be 0 for running in Install mode EsHostWithPort= -------------> here give public ip address of the elastic search machine where it is installed
4. Now, install Zephyr using the below command:
- Eg: sh zephyrfilename.sh -q -c -varfile /home/zephyr/build/response.varfile (path of response.varfile)
Command Prompt
sh zephyr_6.2_****_setup_iRev_****.sh -q -c -varfile /home/zephyr/build/response.varfile
5. This will install Zephyr successfully in the /usr/local/zephyr file location.
Sample var file:
Tested with only with MySQL database
Attached sample response for windows embedded and MySQL database:
Windows Embedded MySQL:
Windows MySQL:
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