Email Notifications

In Zephyr, administrators can enable email notifications to inform users about various events that occur when working with test cases: assigning a test case to a user, modifying a test case, and so on.

To enable email notifications: 

1. On the Administration tab, navigate to the System Setup > System Config page:


2. Toggle the Enable Email Notification switch to ON.

3. Populate all the required fields in the SMTP Settings for Email Notifications section (the ones marked with a red asterisk). 

4. Click Test to see if everything works as expected. The Send Test Email dialog will appear. In the dialog, specify the email address you want to send a test email to and click Send Test Mail:

5. If everything works correctly, click Save to apply the changes:

Zephyr does not send notifications to users who modify or delete their own test cases.


Below are some of the emails that Zephyr sends to the respective users when email notifications are enabled:

  • A test case has been assigned to a user:


  • A test case has been cloned:


  • A test case has been deleted:


If a bulk operation is performed on multiple test cases, the users will get an email with the IDs of the affected test cases:


See Also

System Setup