Zephyr for JIRA Data Center Settings
Support Tool
The support tool provides administrators with the ability to create ZIP files that are useful when troubleshooting and viewing logs. This is especially beneficial as it allows users with the ability to provide logs for review. This will significantly reduce the time and effort when collecting logs and other artifacts from multiple nodes. The following can be collected and downloaded for troubleshooting/reviewing:
- ZFJ Application Logs - Will provide users with a folder that contains all the log files within the log home directory.
- Cluster properties and Data base configurations - Will provide a folder containing all the information and data regarding the cluster and database settings that are stored within the shared directory.
- Tomcat logs - Will provide the files in the Tomcat log directory.
Integrity Checker
The integrity checker provides the administrator with the option to view and export the count for multiple testing metrics. By utilizing the integrity check, it will perform a sanity check on the indexed data versus the database executions to ensure the count/metrics are in sync with each other. This will provide users with statistical data regarding the testing activities which reduces the time spent in trying to perform a manual SQL run to retrieve this sort of data.
The following data can be retrieved using the integrity checker:
- Execution Count against the Database Count - This will provide users with a comparison of the execution count vs the database count and will display green if the count matches or will display red if the count doesn't match.
- Cycles Count - Provides users with the count of how many testing cycles exist.
- Execution Count by Cycle - Provides users with the count of how many executions are per testing cycle.
- Execution Count By Folder - Provides users with the count of how many executions are per folder.
- Issue Count by Project - Provides users with the count of all issues per project.
- Teststep Count by Execution - Provides users with the count of test steps for each test execution.
- Teststep Count by Issue - Provides users with the count of test steps for each issue.
If you need to look for the count of a specific ID value, we recommend exporting the statistical data to review the count data in further details for reporting. The export will provide a raw dump of the data which can then be used for further data reviewing. To export the data, simply click on the "Export" button on the right-hand side of the interface.
Index Recovery
The index recover tab allows users to set up and perform backup indexes which are designated by a specific day/time and provides administrators the ability to restore their instance to a specific index. By performing a index recovery, it will run and perform a check across all the nodes to verify that the index count are in sync to match the database count. After the verification of indexes are complete, the sync up is performed if need be. It also allows administrators to perform a restore of an index manually by providing the file name of the index that needs to be restored.
Simply click on the "Edit Settings" button at the top right of the interface to bring up the settings which provides additional options in the settings for your index recovery.
- Enable Index Recovery - Administrators have the option to fully enable or disable the index recovery process which occurs periodically depending on the set schedule.
- Schedule - Provides administrators with the scheduling options on the following basis:
- Daily
- Days per Week
- Days per Month
- Advanced
- Interval - Provides administrators with further scheduling options depending on the previous selected schedule options.