7.17 Release Notes
April 19, 2023
Use Zephyr Enterprise 7.17 to experience the latest improvements.
We now support MySQL version 8.0.
Note: We will discontinue supporting MySQL version 5.7 from Q3 2023.
New Feature
On the System Config page, we have
Introduced Login Limit feature
This is a crucial security measure that protects accounts from unauthorized access. An administrator can set a limit for login attempts and account lock time when a user fails to log in after multiple attempts.
Added two new fields for the Login Limit feature
Account Lock Timeout
The default account lock time is set to 60 minutes.Login Attempt Limit
The default attempt limit is set to 10 attempts.
All the users have this feature enabled by default. On enabling the feature, if users fail to log in within the configured number of attempts, the system disables the account for the lock time configured by an administrator.
Click Login Limit for more information.
Update Testcase API introduced:
A new API is introduced, where users can change parameters they want to update. Click here for more information.Elastic Search Indexing process improved:
The improvement enables a user to:view each entity's indexing progress.
view accurate Full and Project re-indexing percentages.
get a detailed indexing log of an entity.
filter the data in the grid by Project, Entity, and Status.
Click here for more information.
Tomcat Configuration Update:
We recommend all users update the Tomcat configuration, once the ZE application upgrades to v7.17.
Add the following value to the server.xml file located in the Tomcat installation directory:
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve" showReport="false" showServerInfo="false" />
Adding this value manages errors and prevents displaying sensitive information to users.
Click here for more information.
Fixed the Zephyr traceability error when no Zephyr Enterprise tests were mapped to Jira issues. (ZEPHYR-34959)
Fixed the data corruption from the requirement to test case mapping. (ZEPHYR-34694)
Fixed an issue preventing remote link creation in Jira when mapping test cases with requirements using flex/services/rest/latest/requirement/bulk.
(ZEPHYR-34645)Fixed an issue causing Null Pointer Exception when running Jenkins Job using Zephyr Jenkins Plugin. (ZEPHYR-34320)
Fixed an issue of character sequences not displaying in the test case description. (ZEPHYR-34606)
Fixed the timeout error while updating the last used user token timestamp. (ZEPHYR-35056)
Improved the query performance on Test Case Copy. (ZEPHYR-35052)
Improved query performance by reducing query execution time. (ZEPHYR-35035)
Fixed the creation of duplicate folders in Jira sync. (ZEPHYR-35041)
Improved the performance of Test Case Clone. (ZEPHYR-35099)
Optimized the printing of the logs due to Jira authentication. (ZEPHYR-34717 )
Modified the Re-indexing status. Now, it shows accurate Full and Project Re-indexing percentages, reducing user confusion. (ZEPHYR-29694)
Fixed the security issue for API token access. (ZEPHYR-33822)
Fixed the Jira import issue where JQL search using special character ampersand(&), resulted in errors instead of getting accurate search results. (ZEPHYR-34847)
Upgraded the latest JDBC driver for MSSQL. (ZEPHYR-34722)
Fixed an issue where an import failed if a cell referencing an external workbook was unavailable. (ZEPHYR-34596)
Fixed the issue with JIRA-Zephyr test case mapping. Now, when you delete a requirement from the Requirement section, it gets deleted from Zephyr. If there are any remote links for requirements at JIRA, they also get deleted from JIRA. (ZEPHYR-34340)
Optimized the indexing time for large projects. (ZEPHYR-33161)
Fixed the dashboard page display issue where it previously left blank pages for dashboards unavailable for the user. (ZEPHYR-33783)
Fixed the bulk update process for a smooth experience. (ZEPHYR-33735)
Fixed the sorting issue for Login Status column in User Setup. (ZEPHYR-32856)
Added a new status entry in the job history table indicating the start of import job with its ID. (ZEPHYR-34692)
Provided a fix to generate unique identifiers for each Audit Log record. (ZEPHYR-35277)
Provided a fix to display the accurate number of unassigned items at the top folder level in Test Repository. (ZEPHYR-34026)
Fixed the issue of inability to delete a BDD scenario in a story with example data values. (ZEPHYR-34958)
Provided a fix to retain the text formatting changes made in the Test Step rich text editor for the migrated data. (ZEPHYR-34833)
Updated the system to include the Jira diagnostic file with errors in the support zip. (ZEPHYR-33432)
Fixed the double space issue in advance ZQL search. (ZEPHYR-34499)
The Logged in status now updates promptly to Not Logged in when a session expires, or the tab is closed. (ZEPHYR-34516)
Re-index data performance optimized. (ZEPHYR-32121)
Performance optimization on deleting folders containing a large number of test cases. (ZEPHYR-33754)
Resolved the error that appeared while moving requirements from one project to another. (ZEPHYR-32754)
Performance improvement on sorting of custom fields. (ZEPHYR-34964)