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Java (JSSE): A JKS certificate can be used to cover both traffic channels. 

Deployment Prerequisites: 
While using the Java JSSE method, then all you need a JKS (Java keystore) certificate. Use your Java keytool to create a certificate and have it signed by a CA (certification authority) or create a self-signed certificate.


  • Check all the 3 channels should have "https" set and make sure that all the changes are implemented correctly in /zephyr/tomcat/webapps/flex/WEB-INF/flex/services-config.xml.

  • Add in the C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts the domain name of the SSL with the IP address.

    Code Block
    languagetext <Your Zephyr Url>

  • Launch <Your Zephyr Url>/flex/html5 to access Zephyr Server.

Integrating Zephyr with Jira over SSL

Please follow the below steps to add the SSL certificate to your Java Keystore. 
Note that this step has to be performed in all the machines where Zephyr is installed.

  1. First obtain the certificate from the browser. Open Chrome and access your Jira instance.
  2. Now click on the lock icon near the address bar and click on 'More Information'.
  3. Select 'View Certificates', then select 'Details' tab and click on 'Export'.
  4. Save the certificate to the disk.


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  1. Adding the certificate to the Java Cacert can be done either through Command Line or through UI.
  2. The steps included in this document will go over the UI part.
  3. Install a utility called 'Keystore Explorer', this is a free utility that can make this process very easy.
  4. After the utility is installed select 'Open an existing Keystore' and provide the path of the Java


  1. Open the 'Cacerts' found inside this folder. This should prompt for a password, if it was not manually changed the default password is 'changeit'.
  2. If it is successful, this should open the keystore with all the existing certificates in them. We'll be adding our certificate that we exported above in here.
  3. Select 'Import Trusted Certificate' and then provide the path of the exported certificate. Enter the alias of the certificate. Use the same alias that was configured with Zephyr and press OK.
  4. This should add the certificate to the Java Keystore.


  • the Zephyr Server.

Additional questions


For any questions regarding this document, please contact get in touch with Zephyr Support.