You use OAuth authentication when connecting to Jira Cloud or Jira Server / Data Center(DC). For Jira Cloud, this is the only supported authentication type.
This topic enlists the steps to configure OAuth Connection:
Configure an application link in Jira Cloud and Jira Server/DC (below version 9.x)
Configure an application link in Jira Server/DC (above version 9.x)
Open the command line prompt and run the following commands. They will generate the keys in the needed format:
openssl genrsa -out jira_privatekey.pem 1024
openssl req -newkey rsa:1024 -x509 -key jira_privatekey.pem -out jira_publickey.cer -days 365
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in jira_privatekey.pem -out jira_privatekey.pcks8
openssl x509 -pubkey -noout -in jira_publickey.cer > jira_publickey.pem
To configure the connection, we will need the private key in the PCKS8 format and the public key in the PEM format.