

How to Install

(warning) Please note that Zephyr for JIRA 3.2 and above are only compatible with JIRA Software 7.0 Server, Data Center, and Core 7.0 Server versions. It should not be installed on previous versions prior to JIRA 7.0.

You need to be a JIRA Administrator in order to install Zephyr for JIRA.

There are multiple ways in which it can be installed:

  • By searching the Marketplace from within JIRA
  1. As a JIRA Administrator, navigate to the Administration page and click on “Add-ons” in the top menu bar.
  2. Now select the “Find new add-ons” menu item and enter “Zephyr for JIRA” in the Search box on the left.
  3. In the resulting search, select “Zephyr for JIRA - Test Management inside JIRA” and click on the "Buy Now" or "Free Trial" buttons. Clicking on one of them will take you to https://my.atlassian.com where you can either enter your userid/password or create a new account. This will give you a free 30-day evaluation version or let you buy licenses for Zephyr for JIRA.
  4. The software will now be installed and the License key will be automatically added to activate it.
  • By clicking on the “Try it free” or "Buy it now" button in the Zephyr for JIRA page on the Atlassian Marketplace
  1. In the Atlassian Marketplace page, click on the “Try it free” or “Buy it now" buttons.
  2. This will take you to https://my.atlassian.com where you can either enter your userid/password or create a new account. This will give you a free 30-day evaluation version or let you buy licenses for Zephyr for JIRA.
  3. The software will now be available for download and the License key will be available to add.

Adding License

To add licenses, please refer to the Licenses section.

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