Test Repository
In Zephyr, releases consists of test cases that exist within the system for testing. Users can add nodes/folders in the test repository section to the system which helps to provide a structure for the requirements.
Global Test Repository
Project and Release Test Case Repository
Adding a Folder in Test Repository
Adding a Test Case
Editing a Test Case
Cloning a Test Case
Deleting a Test Case
Mapping Test Cases to a Requirement
Tracking Automation
Importing Test Cases
Exporting Test Cases
Test Case Usage History
Test Case Reordering
Copying Test Cases
Sharing Test Cases
Search and Folder View Toggle
By default, you will enter the Test Repository tool in the Folder view. This view includes the local tree and contents, filter, add and bulk options, and detail and list view toggle.
Switching to Search will change the view to the search window for the Test Repository tool. From this view you will be able to search all your test cases across the currently selected release or in the global tree.
Detail and List View Toggle
A user can freely toggle between the Detail and List view. The list view is default and contains the local tree, test case list, and test case details. Switching to the detail view will give a user more room to edit test cases while reduce the test case list to the left and removing the local tree entirely from view.