Zbot in a 64-bit Environment
Zbot in a 64-bit Environment
Instructions to use ZBOT in 64 environment (Windows and Unix)
Zip Package - Once unzipped, the following is present in the unzipped folder:
- zbot_start / stop shell scripts for unix.
- zbot_start batch script for windows.
- conf/zbot.properties
- zbotsocket/zephyr-socket-@version.jar
All these utilities must be run as root / administrator. Run the sudo commands for root permission.
How to Use
1. Modify conf/zbot.properties to use zephyrServerURL = http://localhost:8081/
2. Modify conf/zbot.properties username
- zephyr login user name
3. Modify conf/zbot.properties password
- zephyr login user password in plaintext
4. In windows double click zbot_start batch file to start zbot
- Once you close the terminal, Zbot will be shut down
This batch file can also be configured as a task using the windows scheduler – steps can found using the following link:
5. On unix ./zbot_start.sh can be use to start the zbot and ./zbot_stop to stop it.
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