Zephyr Enterprise Cloud Requirements
Zephyr Enterprise Cloud Requirements
These system requirements apply to the Zephyr Enterprise Cloud. The information below is generally used to ensure that system administrators for Zephyr Enterprise are always working with an instance of Zephyr Enterprise that is supported and optimized with your hardware, operating system and network.
After viewing the Zephyr Enterprise Cloud requirements below, you can view the steps for installing and upgrading the product. Please use the links provided below or the navigation on the left hand side:
Zephyr Client
OS | Any Desktop OS |
Browser | Any one of these three with versions that support Web Sockets:
Networking | Access to port 443 for HTTPS |
Other | Screen resolution of 1280x1024 (1280x900 for widescreen) or higher |
OS | Windows Server 2008 / 2012 / 2016 |
CPU | Dual-core CPU Intel Pentium or AMD Opteron (2Ghz or higher) |
RAM | Minimum 1GB |
Disk Space | At least 100MB Free |
Networking | Wired Ethernet |
Account | Administrator access to the machine |
Software | Oracle JDK 8. JRE is not supported. 32-bit only |
Starting Release 8.2, Zephyr Enterprise documentation is moving from its current location on Atlassian to a dedicated, standalone Zephyr Enterprise Documentation page. https://support.smartbear.com/zephyr-enterprise/docs/en/welcome-to-zephyr-enterprise.html