7.19.0 Release Notes
Starting October 11, 2024 (Zephyr Enterprise 8.2), the Zephyr Enterprise documentation moved from its current location on Atlassian to a dedicated, standalone Zephyr Enterprise documentation page. Please see: https://support.smartbear.com/zephyr-enterprise/docs/en/zephyr-enterprise/what-s-new-in-zephyr-enterprise-release-8-2-0/7-19-0-release-notes.html
September 6, 2023
Use Zephyr Enterprise 7.19.0 to experience the latest improvements.
Zephyr Enterprise will discontinue support for the following with the upcoming v7.21.0 release:
o MySQL 5.7
o Elastic Search 7.16.2
o Remote Link
Zephyr can now be installed and upgraded with Non-root users.
Security vulnerability fixes are included.
Migration of attachment to the external storage:
We allow the migration of attachments from the internal storage to the external storage.Show the Folder Path in Test Repo and Requirement:
In the search window when users select testcase, they can see the folder path. The users need to select the ‘In this release’ check box to view the folder path.Zephyr Enterprise Jira Plugin:
In the JIRA DC, we introduced an option to show and hide the feature content.
Fixed the issue where selecting a mandatory Jira Multi-Select custom field prevented defect creation. (ZEPHYR-35668)
Fixed the issue of fetching the duplicate RTS during real-time indexing, thus enhancing performance. Enhanced RTS pagination to ensure efficient retrieval. [ZEPHYR-35812]
Fixed the Zephyr dashboard loading delays for users with numerous projects and gadgets. (ZEPHYR-36278)
Fixed an exception encountered during requirement deletion. (ZEPHYR-35444)
Fixed indexing issues that caused exceptions during inserts due to creating or deleting elements like testcase and testcase tree. (ZEPHYR-35443)
Fixed the broken search functionality in Project Reindex. (ZEPHYR-35406)
Fixed the Jira webhook exceptions occurring during Jira project updates, thus enhancing the robustness of data synchronization. (ZEPHYR-34946)
Fixed the issue of missing information in the defect tracking log file (34868)
Fixed the role assignment error causing unintended Project Admin role assignments for specific users. (ZEPHYR-34565)
Fixed the cache clear error encountered while attempting to clear cache in Defect Admin. (ZEPHYR-33097)
Fixed the inability to save changes in the First Name and Last Name (case modification) within Manage Users. (ZEPHYR-35475)
Fixed the data accumulation in the trend report. (ZEPHYR-35870)
Fixed the issue of updated Defect Status not reflecting in Zephyr after Jira update. (ZEPHYR-35375)
Fixed the incorrect total testcase count calculation in the Plan vs Executed gadget. (ZEPHYR-35542)
Fixed the issue encountered during bulk role updates, preserving accurate role management. (ZEPHYR-35392)
Fixed issue with inconsistency in order in the cloned releases. (ZEPHYR-36008)
Fixed an issue with changing ZBOT server IP addresses in the UI. (ZEPHYR-36184)
Fixed the issue of inability to support ZIP file download when Elastic Search node is down. (ZEPHYR-35397)
Fixed the issue of unintended sharing of imported test cases to repository or project levels using an API. (ZEPHYR-35506)
Fixed the issue of unintended duplication in the Planning section. (ZEPHYR-34965)
Fixed the import job history logs to provide clear error messages for failed jobs due to unresolvable references. (ZEPHYR-34597)
Fixed an error during concurrent requirement mapping in Test Repository. (ZEPHYR-34294)
Fixed the issue of export of blank PDF reports, ensuring proper display of data. (ZEPHYR-35002)
Fixed an error in external storage GET API for Project Admins. (ZEPHYR-35755)
Fixed inconsistency in audit log entries for system config events. (ZEPHYR-35737).
Fixed the inconsistency in audit logs entity and messages. (ZEPHYR-35695)
Fixed the issue of the data indexing process getting stuck. (ZEPHYR-35522).
Fixed the issue of multiple save actions leading to Jira issue duplication in Requirements Sync. (ZEPHYR-35472)
Fixed the inability to open requirements in list view when pasting URLs. (ZEPHYR-35460)
Fixed the incomplete path display in the Requirements search. (ZEPHYR-34982)
Fixed the incorrect defect status count in the Defect Tracking page in the Dashboard. (ZEPHYR-33876)
Improved the data storage efficiency while generating the trend report. (ZEPHYR-34937)
Optimized space usage and provided more accurate trend report information. (ZEPHYR-36184)
Optimized data extraction and constraints by streamlining data storage. (ZEPHYR-35118)
Resolved the test case count calculation issue during the test case movement between Trees. The issue causing miscalculations and potential duplication of entries has been rectified, ensuring accurate counts. (ZEPHYR-34427)
Streamlined Cumulative Testcase Trend data calculation through efficient indexing resulting in quicker processing time. (ZEPHYR-35413)
Starting Release 8.2, Zephyr Enterprise documentation is moving from its current location on Atlassian to a dedicated, standalone Zephyr Enterprise Documentation page. https://support.smartbear.com/zephyr-enterprise/docs/en/welcome-to-zephyr-enterprise.html