Zephyr for Jira Cloud exposes its data via a REST APIs which allows you to access the data programmatically and build your own integrations. You can use the API to:

The API provides the following capabilities:

For example, you could build an integration that would create a test in a separate tool/system and add it to Zephyr for Jira Cloud or create an test execution cycle and update the status of a test execution run after its has been executed in an automation tool.


Interactive API documentation is available at the following link, along with code examples in cURL, C#, JavaScript, Python, and other languages.


Rate Limits

  • 1,000 requests per hour.
  • 24,000 requests per day.


All API calls require authentication using JWT access tokens. For details, see Generate a JWT Authentication Token and Execute APIs in ZAPI Cloud.


  • There are pagination limits.
  • Encoding affects status character counts.

Got Questions?

Ask your questions in the Zephyr for Jira Cloud community, or contact Supportfor assistance.

See Also

Test Automation API