The Test Repository tool can be found in the /wiki/spaces/ZEE50/pages/77857405, /wiki/spaces/ZEE50/pages/77889947 and /wiki/spaces/ZEE50/pages/77923107 that has been given access to this application. On selecting a folder in the Local Tree the right pane displays the list of testcases.
To create a new testcase, click Add near the top of the list view, the lower panel will show the new testcase and details below it. Selecting the checkbox of an existing testcase and hitting Clone will make a copy of the testcase in the same location. There are two ways to view the details of a testcase, the list and details view. To save space and maximize the details area, the header can be collapsed. In the collapsed state, it provides some high level information and it can be expanded by clicking anywhere on it.
List View:

Details View:

Testcase Fields
- ID - A unique testcase ID that increments automatically. This cannot be modified
- Alt ID - An optional field for alternate ID
- Subject - The subject or title of the testcase. This also shows in the testcase listing in the upper panel
- Mapped Requirements - Shows the number of requirements mapped to this testcase. Clicking on Map Req allows requirements to be mapped or un-mapped to the testcase. See /wiki/spaces/ZEE50/pages/79856372 for more details
- Attachments - Multiple files can be attached to a testcase. Clicking on Browse button allow for browsing and attaching a file. Users can also drag and drop a file from their file system to attach
- Comments - The Comments field is a text field that allows creators of the testcase to enter comments about it
- Tag - Add tags to testcases for easy filtering and searching
- Automation - Area used to convert a manual testcase to automated. Mark the checkbox Automated Script will change the testcase from manual to automated. This also opens up the 3 fields that allow details of that automation to be recorded
- Name - This is the name of the automation script
- ID - This is the ID of the automation script. This ID will be used in the future to sync up automation test results
- Path - This is the path needed to kickoff automation scripts and typically contains both the path to the automation tool, any flags and the path to the automation script. Think of this as what would needed to be typed at a command prompt to kickoff automation. This path will be sent to a remote /wiki/spaces/ZEE50/pages/77758772 on the automation target machine to kickoff automation
- Priority - A preset P1-P5 set of priority values in a drop-down menu
- Time - Estimated time to execute this test in dd:hh:mm format. The default for any new testcase is 10 minutes or 00:00:10. Imported testcases that do not have a value set also gets 10 minutes as default. The up-down arrow keys will increased or decreased incrementally
- Created by - Automatically populated field showing who created the testcase
- Created on - Automatically populated field showing when the testcase was created
- Step Details History - View the previously saved versions of the test steps, compare versions and rollback to a specific one
- Custom Fields - All the testcase /wiki/spaces/ZEE50/pages/77759050 are displayed
Test Steps, Test Data, Expected Results
Detailed information about a testcase can be added as test steps, appropriate test data and expected results for that step. Data can be entered in multiple ways here:
- In a testcase, clicking on any field of any step will enter edit mode for that step field
- An empty row with three columns will always appear at the bottom of the testcase steps. Enter data in these columns and click the + button on the right to add the step. Click Save to submit all steps to the testcase
- Saved steps will have a cog button on the right, you can Delete steps from this menu
- Steps can be easily reordered by selecting the row, dragging it and dropping it where it needs to go
On completion of testcase editing, selecting the check button or leaving the field will save the edit. To cancel the edit, select the Xbutton.
- Use the Tab key to move quickly from one cell to another in your test steps
- Use Tab to move between fields in Estimated Time