The External Storage feature allows efficient management of disk space ensuring that projects with varying attachment sizes can be handled effectively to optimize storage resources. You can connect the new projects to the external storage.
Configure External Storage
An Administrator has to configure the external storage for projects.
The steps to configure the external storage are:
Go to Administrator > External Storage. The External Storage Integration page opens.
Click the + icon to display the Add External Storage pop-up window.
Select the storage type from the Storage Type dropdown list. You can select any one of the storage types from the list.Click Next to display the External Storage Details popup window.
Add relevant information in the fields.
Name - Name of the external storage.
Region - Specify the region where the external storage is located.
Access Key- Enter the access key ID.
Secure Key - Enter the secret access key.
5. Click Submit. On successful configuration of the external storage the following message displays.
The External Storage Integration page displays the name of the external storage with the following fields:
Name- displays the name of the external storage that you have set.
Provider - displays the provider name of the external storage.
Region - specifies the region where the external storage is located.
Status - displays the status of the external storage; ACTIVE or INACTIVE
Project Count - displays the number of projects saved in the particular storage.
Actions - displays the actions you can perform.
Edit Icon- allows editing the storage information. Clicking this icon takes you to the External Storage Details page, where you can edit only the Access Key and the Secret Key.
Handshake Icon - checks the status of the external storage.
Work with the External Storage
In the external storage. each project is mapped to a single bucket. The bucket is created when you map the external storage with project. The buckets are named with the naming convention ‘file name-unique instance identifier'. The attachments of a project are saved in the designated storage that you mention during project set up. The files are stored in project buckets with a naming convention as ‘entity type/unique attachment id’.
Setup an External Storage for a Project
While creating a new project from the Project Setup, you can add external storage to save the attachments of the project.
You can select the storage from the drop-down list that shows active storage.
Once you set the external storage for a project, you cannot change it to a different storage.
You can connect external storage to new projects only. You cannot change the storage type for the existing projects.