6.0 Upgrade Process
Build: zephyr_5.0_14749_setup_iRev_2028
Released Build numbers:
Version |
4.7 |
4.8 |
4.8.2 | |
5.0 |
5.0.1 |
5.0.2 |
5.0.3 |
5.1 |
5.1.1 |
5.1.2 |
Build# |
9213 |
13321 |
13818 |
13842 |
14587 |
14667 |
14749 |
15001 |
15420 |
15434 |
15442 |
Note: upto 5.0 customer has to come by Old Upgrade process and from 5.0 / 5.0.1/ 5.0.2 →6.0 new upgrade process. Migration is not supported in 6.0
Mandate** : For new upgrade process, before starting upgrade take full backup & DB dump and keep somewhere and start the new upgrade process*
Note: 1. While upgrading to 6.0 , we have to stop the server and run the upgrader 2. If zautomation is set in 5.1 then post successful upgrade to 6.0, again user has to configure zautomation manually (copy zautomation license to license folder, and edit the license.properties file) ZAutomation Configuration with ZE 3. If SSO is set in 5.1 then post successful upgrade to 6.0, again user has to copy the certificate in (Zephyr directory \zephyrdata\ persist ) and restart the server 4. If ssl is set in older version of zephyr ( 5.0, 5.0.1, 5.0.2 ,5.0.3 ,5.1 ,5.1.1 ,5.1.2 ) , then post successful upgrade to 6.0, then user has to manually uncomment the security tag in web.xml files which is present in zephyr directory and then need to restart the server a. Zephyr directory\tomcat\webapps\flex\WEB-INF\web.xml b. Zephyr directory\tomcat\webapps\zephyr\WEB-INF\web.xml
TO 5.1(Build#) |
SQL Server |
Oracle |
4.7 (Build #9213 - MySQL) |
4.8 (Build #13321 - MySQL) |
4.8.2 (Build # 13818 - MySQL) |
|| (Build # 13842 - MySQL) |
4.8 (Build #13321 - SQLServer) |
Not Supported |
Not Supported |
4.8.2 (Build # 13818 - SQLServer) |
Not Supported |
Not Supported |
|| (Build # 13842 - Oracle) |
Not Supported |
Not Supported |
5.0 (Build # 14587 -MySQL) |
5.0 (Build # 14587 -MSSQL) |
Not Supported |
Not Supported |
5.0 (Build # 14587 -Oracle) |
Not Supported |
Not Supported |
5.0.1(Build # 14667 -MySQL) |
5.0.1(Build # 14667 -MSSQL) |
Not Supported |
Not Supported |
5.0.1(Build # 14667 -Oracle) |
Not Supported |
Not Supported |
5.0.2(Build # 14749 -MySQL) |
5.0.2(Build # 14749 -MSSQL) |
Not Supported |
Not Supported |
5.0.2(Build # 14749 -Oracle) |
Not Supported |
Not Supported |
5.0.3(Build # 15001 -MySQL) |
Not Supported |
Not Supported |
5.0.3(Build # 15001 -MSSQL) |
Not Supported |
Not Supported |
5.0.3(Build # 15001 -Oracle) |
Not Supported |
Not Supported |
5.1(Build # 15420 -MySQL) |
Not Supported |
Not Supported |
5.1(Build # 15420 -MSSQL) |
Not Supported |
Not Supported |
5.1(Build # 15420 -Oracle) |
Not Supported |
Not Supported |
5.1.1(Build # 15434 - MySQL) |
Not Supported |
Not Supported |
5.1.1(Build # 15434 -MSSQL) |
Not Supported |
Not Supported |
5.1.1(Build # 15434 -Oracle) |
Not Supported |
Not Supported |
5.1.2(Build # 15442 -MySQL) |
Not Supported |
Not Supported |
5.1.2(Build # 15442 -MSSQL) |
Not Supported |
Not Supported |
5.1.2(Build # 15442 -Oracle) |
Not Supported |
Not Supported |
upgrader from command |
MySQL Upgrader command for windows |
<upgrader file name> -VzMySQLPath='C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\bin\mysql.exe' -VzMySQLCnfFilePath='C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\my-default.ini' |
MySQL upgrader command for Linux |
<upgrader file name> -VzMySQLPath='/usr/bin/mysql' -VzMySQLCnfFilePath='/etc/mysql/my.cnf' |
Embedded Upgrader command |
<upgrader file name> -VzMySQLPath='C:\Program Files\Zephyr\mysql\bin\mysql.exe' -VzMySQLCnfFilePath='C:\Program Files\Zephyr\mysql\my.ini' |
For MSSQL Upgrader |
For windows double click & For linux sh <upgrader file name>.sh (No need to pass any arguments like MySQL) |
For Oracle Upgrader |
For windows double click & For linux sh <upgrader file name>.sh (No need to pass any arguments like MySQL) |
1. Mysql : 4.7 → 5.0 → 6.0 , 4.8 → 5.0 → 6.0 , 4.8.2 → 5.0 → 6.0, →5.0 → 6.0 ,5.0 → 6.0 , 5.0.1 → 6.0 ,5.0.2 → 6.0 ,5.0.3 → 6.0 ,5.1 → 6.0 ,5.1.1 → 6.0 ,5.1.2 → 6.0 .
Scenario 1:
- Upgrade 4.7 to 5.0 in MySQL db → Upgrade from 5.0 → 6.0.
Scenario 2:
- Upgrade 4.8 to 5.0 in MySQL db → Upgrade from 5.0 → 6.0.
Scenario 3:
- Upgrade 4.8.2 to 5.0 in MySQL db → Upgrade from 5.0 → 6.0.
Scenario 4:
- Upgrade to 5.0 in MySQL db → Upgrade from 5.0 → 6.0.
Scenario 5:
1. Upgrade from 5.0 → 6.0.
Scenario 6:
1. Upgrade from 5.0.1 → 6.0.
Scenario 7:
1. Upgrade from 5.0.2 → 6.0.
Scenario 8:
1. Upgrade from 5.0.3 → 6.0.
Scenario 9:
1. Upgrade from 5.1 → 6.0.
Scenario 10:
1. Upgrade from 5.1.1 → 6.0.
Scenario 11:
1. Upgrade from 5.1.2 → 6.0.
2. Sql Server: 4.7 → 5.0 → 6.0 , 4.8 → 5.0 → 6.0 , 4.8.2 → 5.0 →6.0 , →5.0 → 6.0 , 5.0 →6.0 , 5.0.1 → 6.0 ,5.0.2 → 6.0 ,5.0.3 → 6.0 ,5.1 → 6.0 ,5.1.1 → 6.0 ,5.1.2 → 6.0 .
4.7/ to 5.0(MSSQL) direct upgrade is not possible.Since we don't have upgrader for that.
Following steps to be followed for MSSQL DB Migration.
Scenario 1: From 4.7 (MySQL) to 5.1 SQL Server
- Install 5.0 in MYSQL db
- Upgrade 4.7 to 5.0 in MYSQL db
- Take backup from 5.0 in MYSQL db
- Install 5.0 in MSSQL db
- Restore backup taken from 5.0(MYSQL) to 5.0(MSSQL)
- Upgrade 5.0(MSSQL) to 6.0 (MSSQL).
Scenario 2: From 4.8 SQL Server to 6.0 SQL Server
- 4.8 → 4.8.2 restore + 4.8.2 → 5.0 Upgrade → 6.0 Upgrade
Scenario 3: From 4.8.2 SQL Server to 6.0 SQL Server
- Upgrade 4.8.2 to 5.0 in SQL Server db → 6.0 Upgrade
Scenario 4: From to 6.0 SQL Server
- Install 5.0 in MYSQL db
- Upgrade to 5.0 in MYSQL db
- Take backup from 5.0 in MYSQL db
- Install 5.0 in MSSQL db
- Restore backup taken from 5.0(MYSQL) to 5.0(MSSQL)
- Upgrade 5.0(MSSQL) to 6.0 (MSSQL).
Scenario 5: From 5.0 MySQL to 6.0 SQL Server
- Install 5.0 in MySQL db → Create data.
- Restore backup taken from 5.0(MYSQL) to 5.0(MSSQL)
- Upgrade 5.0(MSSQL) to 6.0 (MSSQL)
Scenario 6: From 5.0.1 MySQL to 6.0 SQL Server
- Install 5.0.1 in MySQL db → Create data.
- Restore backup taken from 5.0.1(MYSQL) to 5.0.1(MSSQL)
- Upgrade 5.0(MSSQL) to 6.0 (MSSQL).
Scenario 7: From 5.0.2 MySQL to 6.0 SQL Server
- Install 5.0.2 in MySQL db → Create data.
- Restore backup taken from 5.0.2(MYSQL) to 5.0.2(MSSQL)
- Upgrade 5.0.2(MSSQL) to 6.0 (MSSQL).
Scenario 8 : From 5.0.3 SQL Server to 6.0 SQL Server
- DIrect Upgrade from 5.0.3 → 6.0
Scenario 9 : From 5.1 SQL Server to 6.0 SQL Server
- DIrect Upgrade from 5.1 → 6.0
Scenario 10 : From 5.1.1 SQL Server to 6.0 SQL Server
- DIrect Upgrade from 5.1.1 → 6.0
Scenario 11 : From 5.1.2 SQL Server to 6.0 SQL Server
- DIrect Upgrade from 5.1.2 → 6.0
Command used for restore: Linux: ./restoreAll.sh -FORCE Windows: restoreAll.bat -FORCE
3. Oracle 11G: →6.0
Scenario 1: From MySQL to 6.0 Oracle
- Install 5.0 in MYSQL db
- Upgrade to 5.0 in MYSQL db
- Take backup from 5.0 in MYSQL db
- Install 5.0 in Oracle db
- Restore backup taken from 5.0(MYSQL) to 5.0(Oracle)
- Upgrade 5.0 (Oracle) to 6.0 (Oracle).
Command used for restore:
Linux: ./restoreAll.sh -FORCE Windows: restoreAll.bat -FORCE
Scenario 2: From Oracle to 6.0 Oracle
- Copy Zephyr data some where then follow below steps.
- Uninstall 4.8_13842 using below command.(Uninstall by skiping DB drop)
sh <zephyr_installation_directory>/ZephyrUninstaller -c -VzSkipDropData=true
- Run below command to install 5.0/5.0.1, when asked to enter DB user provide custom DB user details created.
sh zephyr_5.0_14667_setup_iRev_2012.sh -VzAllowOtherOracleUser=true -VzSkipStartupData=true -
VzSkipDropData=true -VzSkipZephyrSeverStart=true
- Upgrade 5.0/5.0.1 by running below command.
sh zephyr_5.0_14667_upgrader_iRev_2012.sh -c -VskipBackupFile=true -VskipRestore=true -
VzSkipVersionCompatibilityCheck=true -VbackupFileVersion=13842
- Migrate attachment by manually copying attachment folder backup taken from production to
- In DB → Select User for runing Query (i.e → ALTER SESSION SET current_schema ="ITCC"
- Now after selecting Current User run these queries → LG_Oracle_dashboard_index_issue.sql
- Now Run 6.0 installer and select Upgrade mode .
Scenario 3: From 5.0 MySQL to 6.0 Oracle Install 5.0 in MySQL db → Create data. Restore backup taken from 5.0(MYSQL) to 5.0(Oracle) Upgrade 5.0(Oracle) to 6.0 (Oracle)
Scenario 4: From 5.0.1 MySQL to 6.0 Oracle Install 5.0.1 in MySQL db → Create data. Restore backup taken from 5.0.1(MYSQL) to 5.0.1(Oracle) Upgrade 5.0.1(Oracle) to 6.0 (Oracle).
Scenario 5 : From 5.0.2 MySQL to 6.0 Oracle Install 5.0.2 in MySQL db → Create data. Restore backup taken from 5.0.2(MYSQL) to 5.0.2(Oracle) Upgrade 5.0.2(Oracle) to 6.0 (Oracle).
Scenario 6 : From 5.0.3 Oracle to 6.0 Oracle
DIrect Upgrade From 5.0.3 → 6.0
Scenario 7 : From 5.1 Oracle to 6.0 Oracle
DIrect Upgrade From 5.1 → 6.0
Scenario 8 : From 5.0.3 Oracle to 6.0 Oracle
DIrect Upgrade From 5.1.1 → 6.0
Scenario 9: From 5.0.3 Oracle to 6.0 Oracle
DIrect Upgrade From 5.1.2 → 6.0
Upgrade for Linux