Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



  • Review all system requirements thoroughly
  • Ensure you have the license file (license.lic) as this will be required during the installation process.  If you do not have this license file, please contact your Zephyr Sales Account Manager or send an email to
  • Download required software
    • Java
      • Java JDK 8u101 or higher
        • Downloaded from:
          • Ubuntu's default package manager
          • Oracle's download page here
    • MySQL:
      • 5.6.33 or higher
        • Downloaded from Ubuntu's package manager
      • MySQL Connector/J 5.1.41
        • Downloaded from here
    • Zephyr Enterprise 5.0 Linux Software

Installing Java


Using Ubuntu's Package Manager

Step 1. Use Ubuntu's built-in package manager to download and install the Java JKD package by following the commands detailed below:

Code Block
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

Step 2. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variables to point to the location where Java JDK version 8 was installed

Find the path using:

Code Block
sudo update-alternatives --config java


Using Oracle's download page and installing manually

Step 1:.  Execute the Java JDK installation with the command:

Code Block
shell> rpm –ivh  jdk-8u101-linux-x64.rpm

Step 2:. Set the /usr/bin/java (also: javac javaws javadoc jar jcontrol) symbolic links to point to where the rpm installed the JDK (note: a clean rpm install should already have done this)

Code Block
shell> cd /usr/bin 
shell> rm -f java
shell> ln -s /usr/java/default/bin/java java

Step 3: Add . Add JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the location where Java JDK version 8 was installed

Code Block
shell> export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/default

Step 4: Update . Update the PATH variable to point to the bin folder

Code Block
shell> export PATH=/usr/java/default/bin:$PATH

Step 5 [OPTIONAL]: Verify 5 (Optional). Verify java installation version - Sun/Oracle Java JDK 8

Code Block
shell> java –version

Installing MySQL


Step 1. Install MySQL using the Ubuntu package installation tools

Code Block
sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.6 mysql-common mysql-client-5.6

Step 2: . Set the MySQL root user password when prompted during installationStep

3. Verify the MySQL installation

Code Block
shell> mysql –uroot –p<root_password>

falsetitleImportant NoteAdditional Notes

This specific major/minor (5.6.X) version of MySQL is required with the root username as specified above. If you have other MySQL installations on the machine we recommend removing them or installing this version on top of them and upgrading their schemas to what is specified.

Step 4. Create or modify my.cnf file as shown below. Typically my.cnf file is in /etc/ folder

Code Block
shell> vi /etc/my.cnf

max_allowed_packet = 150M
max_connections = 600


max_allowed_packet = 150M

max_allowed_packet = 150M

Step 5. Restart MySQL.  Based on the standard MySQL installation a MySQL script is added to the init.d directory that you can use to Start or Stop MySQL server:

Code Block
shell> /etc/init.d/mysql stop
shell> /etc/init.d/mysql start

Installing Zephyr Enterprise




The installation of Zephyr Enterprise software can be completed either via a GUI or via Command Line.

GUI Install

Step 1:. Set permissions

Code Block
shell> chmod +x

Step 2: To install 2. Install using the GUI use the command below


Once the setup file has been launched, the following Welcome screen will display automatically

Step 3. A quick reminder on the Requirements needed to install and run Zephyr successfully .

 Step 4: You will be prompted with the full EULA which will require acceptance of the terms stated before continuing

4. Review the mandatory acceptance of our Licensing Agreement before continuing.

  • The installation will not proceed further if the terms of the license agreement are not accepted


5: After . After accepting the EULA, you will be prompted to enter the Zephyr Enterprise home directory.

  • You will be notified of the required and available disk space.

Step 6. Select the Server deployment optiontype.


Step 7This step will prompt you to enter the directory location of your license file provided by Zephyr Sales.  Add the license file.

  • You can browse your system directory if you do not know the direct path.
  • You would have received the license file from Zephyr Sales.

Step 8. This step allows the customization of the ports used by Zephyr.

  • The default suggested ports are already provided, however you can customize the port usage by entering in your own custom port number


  • .


Step 9. This step allows you to customize the MySQL parameters needed by Zephyr. The character set is UFT8 by default and cannot be changed. You will need to enter the URL for your MySQL database and the directory location of the JDBC driver. Use the 'Test Connection' button and verify a success before continuing.

A successful connection test will return this dialog box.

Step 10. Files are now copied and various services are started


Step 11. At the end of that process, the Zephyr server installation is complete and allows for the Zephyr Enterprise login page to be immediately launched.


titleAdditional Notes

Depending on the speed of the machine, it may take a few minutes for the login dialog to appear when launching Zephyr for the first time. This is to allow all services to start up correctly. Subsequent launches will be much faster.




Command-line Install


1. Launch the setup file with the '-c' command line option as shown below.

Step 2. A quick reminder on the Requirements needed to install and run Zephyr successfully on Linux is made available during pre-install.


Step 3: . You will be prompted with the full EULA which will require acceptance of the terms stated before continuing.



4: . After accepting the EULA, you will be prompted to enter the Zephyr Enterprise home directory. You will be notified of the required and available disk space.

Step 5. This step allows the selection of the type of deployment of Zephyr Enterprise; select '1' for Zephyr Enterprise Server deployment

Step 6: . This step will prompt you to enter the directory location of your license file provided by Zephyr Sales 


7. This step allows the customization of the ports used by Zephyr.

  • The default suggested ports are in brackets, however you can customize the port usage by entering in your own custom port number for each step.


8. The next step allows for the selection of Database. For Zephyr Enterprise Server installation, MySQL is the only option available. If you prefer to use another database, please contact your Zephyr Account Manager for information on how to upgrade to the Zephyr Enterprise Data Center.


9. This step allows you to customize the MySQL parameters. You will need to enter the URL for your MySQL database and the directory location of the JDBC driver.


10. Files are now copied and various services are started. At the end of that process, the installation is complete.


You have now successfully installed Zephyr Enterprise Server!

Launch Zephyr Software




By default Zephyr in installed in /opt/zephyr directory. To Start or Stop Zephyr manually:


Code Block
shell> tail -f /opt/zephyr/tomcat/logs/catalina.out


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