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These system requirements apply to the Zephyr Enterprise Data Center. The information below is generally used to ensure that system administrators for Zephyr Enterprise are always working with an instance of Zephyr Enterprise that is supported and optimized with your hardware, operating system and network.

After viewing the Zephyr Enterprise Data Center requirements below, you can view the steps for installing and upgrading the product. Please use the links provided below or the navigation on the left hand side:



RedHat Enterprise 64-bit

  • RHEL 7.0

CentOS 64-bit
Ubuntu/Debian 64-bit 
SUSE/openSUSE 64-bit


Quad-core CPU Intel Pentium or AMD Opteron (2Ghz or higher)


Minimum 8GB; Preferred 12GB

Disk Space

At least 5GB Free (250GB-1TB recommended for large enterprise installations)


Wired Ethernet
Static IP address
REQUIRED Ports: 80, 443 (if HTTPS), 8005, 9300, 5701, 5702, 37000, 37001
Firewall (if present): Allow ports 80, 443 (if HTTPS). Must support WebSocket protocol
Proxy (if present): Must support WebSocket protocol
Nodes should have at least 1Gbps Ethernet connectivity (10Gbps recommended) 


Superuser (root) access to the machine 
Installer and services needs to run as "root"


Java: Oracle JDK 8
Connector: JDBC 5.1.40
Note: NO other Tomcat can be installed on the machine. JRE is not supported††


  • The Zephyr instances need to be able to access a shared storage for storing common data (ex: attachments, etc) with a capacity of 100GB which could be further part of a HA cluster on its' own since this device is to be available without fail to all the nodes as long as the cluster is functional.
  • Nodes must be configured with the same timezone and keep the current time synchronized. Using NTPD (Network Time Protocol Daemon) or some similar service is a good way to arrange it.
  • Nodes must be able to communicate with each other based on IP address. (hosts file needs to be updated as required for this communication to work)
