Access and Login
The Tester Desktop tester's desktop is accessed by typing in the following URL in a web browser:
User credentials can be customized from the User Setup application by the Test Manager test manager unless another authentication system is in use. Leads and testers must be assigned to a project in order to be able to login. The user is given an opportunity to change that password on their first login if the default authentication system is in use.
Once logged in, the Testertester's Desktop desktop has the following major areas:
Title Bar
The Title Bar title bar of the tester desktop gives drop-down menus for Dashboards and Projects on the left. Additionally, the name of the person who has logged in, help, and user profile options are displayed on the right.
The left side of the desktop has a project dock that lists all the applications that are available to the Tester tester after selecting a release. This entire tool dock can be slid to the left to make more room for application windows. It can be restored to its original just as easily. A drop-down of the releases are shown directly below the label of the currently used project.
The following applications are currently available:
1. Requirements
This application allows the Tester tester to build out and manage their requirements repository by identifying the requirement areas, authoring or linking to them, importing and exporting requirements etc.
2. Test Repository
This application allows the Tester tester to author new testcasestest cases, copy/move/link/import/modify testcasestest cases, view relevant documents etc.
3. Test Execution
This application allows the Tester tester to execute testcases test cases assigned to them by their Test Lead test lead via the Test Planning application
4. Defect Tracking
This application allows the Tester user to search, view, add and modify defects. This application will not be displayed if "None" is chosen for the Defect Tracking System in the Administration application by the Test Managertest manager