User can also link multiple test cycles at a time by checking "Link to more Test Cycle(s)" option.
Operations Several perations that can be performed in "Test Board" after linking cycle to a sprint.:
- Clicking on a cycle that is added to the sprint
- will display execution details of the cycle in the right panel.
- The "Test Details" window in the right panel will display ID, Status, Summary, Defect.
- The "Filter by Status" drop-down will list all the execution statuses. User can filter the executions by single/multiple status.
- The "Test Details" window will have pagination.
- The cycle name on the right panel will be hyperlinked, on clicking will take the user to the "Execution Navigator" page.
- User can Quick Execute the
- test cases from right within the "Test Details" window.
- Also tests can be executed by clicking on "E" button, which will take the user to
- full test execution page.
- Hovering over the "Defects" information will show status of the defects
- for both the test
- case and the test steps.
- The linked cycle can be removed from sprint by clicking on (x) available at the right corner of the added cycle.
- User can also filter by cycle
- from right within the test board.
- The "Versions" strip at the left of the sprint panel will display a list of unreleased versions that allows user to filter by version by clicking on it.