Versions Compared


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User can also link multiple test cycles at a time by checking "Link to more Test Cycle(s)" option.

Operations Several perations that can be performed in "Test Board" after linking cycle to a sprint.:

  1. Clicking on a cycle that is added to the sprint


  1. will display execution details of the cycle in the right panel.


  1. The "Test Details" window in the right panel will display ID, Status, Summary, Defect.


  1. The "Filter by Status" drop-down will list all the execution statuses. User can filter the executions by single/multiple status.


  1. The "Test Details" window will have pagination.


  1. The cycle name on the right panel will be hyperlinked, on clicking will take the user to the "Execution Navigator" page.


  1. User can Quick Execute the


  1. test cases from right within the "Test Details" window.


  1. Also tests can be executed by clicking on "E" button, which will take the user to


  1. full test execution page.


  1. Hovering over the "Defects" information will show status of the defects


  1. for both the test


  1. case and the test steps.


  1. The linked cycle can be removed from sprint by clicking on (x) available at the right corner of the added cycle.


  1. User can also filter by cycle


  1. from right within the test board.


  1. The "Versions" strip at the left of the sprint panel will display a list of unreleased versions that allows user to filter by version by clicking on it.