On success, the operation returns status code 200 and a JSON object containing the job ID. To get the job details and progress, send the following GET request:
Synchronize one or more groups
Synchronization is needed when a new group is added to or an existing group is deleted from LDAP or Crowd. This should be done to update the list of groups in Zephyr.
Request URL
PUT http(s)://{ZEPHYR-SERVER}/flex/services/rest/v3/externalGroup/sync
On success, the operation returns status code 200 and a JSON object containing the job ID. To get the job details and progress, send the following GET request:
Response codes
HTTP Status Code | Description |
200 | The request completed successfully. |
400 | Bad request. |
401 | The authentication token is missing. |
403 | The user has no permissions to perform this operation. |
500 | Unknown internal error. |