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Table of Contents


LDAP Configuration

Connecting to an LDAP Directory in Jira

  1. Select Administration

  2. Choose Authentication.

  3. Add a directory and select one of these types:

  4. 'LDAP' – You will be able to choose a specific LDAP directory type on the next screen.

  5. Enter the values for the settings, as described below.

  6. Save the directory settings.

Server Settings

Directory Type

Select the type of LDAP directory that you will connect to. If you are adding a new LDAP connection, the value you select here will determine the default values for many of the options on the rest of the screen. Examples:

  • Microsoft Active Directory

  • OpenDS

  • And more.


Your LDAP server in the format ldap(s)://host[:port]. Examples:

  • ldap://
  • ldap://
  • ldap://
  • ldaps://

Note: If you use LDAPS (secure LDAP) and your LDAPS server uses a self-signed certificate, you need to configure Zephyr to trust this certificate. See the instructions below.

Base DN

The root distinguished name (DN) to use when running queries against the directory server. Examples:

  • o=example,c=com

  • cn=users,dc=ad,dc=example,dc=com

For Microsoft Active Directory, specify the base DN in the following format: dc=domain1,dc=local. You will need to replace the domain1 and local for your specific configuration. Microsoft Server provides a tool called ldp.exe which is useful for finding out and configuring the the LDAP structure of your server.

Bind DN

The distinguished name of the user that the application will use when connecting to the directory server. Examples:

  • cn=administrator,cn=users,dc=ad,dc=example,dc=com

  • cn=user,dc=domain,dc=name


Bind Password

The password of the user-specified above.

Search Attribute

The attribute field to use when loading the username. Examples:

  • cn

  • uid

  • sAMAccountName

Advance Settings

User Schema Settings

Search Attribute

The attribute field to use when loading the username. Examples:

  • cn

  • uid

  • sAMAccountName

User Object Class

This is the name of the class used for the LDAP user object. Example:

  • user

  • inetorgperson

User Object Filter

The filter to use when searching user objects. Example:

  • (&(objectCategory=Person)(sAMAccountName=*))

  • (objectclass=inetorgperson)

User First Name Attribute

The attribute field to use when loading the user's first name. Example:

  • givenName

User Last Name Attribute

The attribute field to use when loading the user's last name. Example:

  • sn

User Email Attribute

The attribute field to use when loading the user's email address. Example:

  • mail

Group Schema Settings

Group Object Class

This is the name of the class used for the LDAP group object. Examples:

  • groupOfUniqueNames

  • group

  • groupOfNames

Group Object Filter

The filter to use when searching for group objects. Example:

  • (&(objectClass=group)(cn=*))

  • (objectclass=groupOfNames)

  • (objectclass=groupOfUniqueNames)

Group Name Attribute

The attribute field to use when loading the group's name. Example:

  • cn

Group Description Attribute

The attribute field to use when loading the group's description. Example:

  • description

Membership Schema Settings


Group Members Attribute

The attribute field to use when loading the group's members. Example:

  • member

User Membership Attribute

The attribute field to use when loading the user's groups. Example:

  • memberOf

Using LDAPS with a Self-Signed Certificate

If your LDAPS server uses a self-signed certificate or a certificate signed by a private CA,  you need to add it to the Java cacerts file on your Zephyr server. The cacerts file contains the trusted certificates.

To add your LDAPS certificate to cacerts, run the following command on your Zephyr server, replacing the paths with your own.

On Windows:

Code Block
keytool -importcert -alias "ldapsCer"
        -keystore "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_231\lib\security\cacerts"
        -file "C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\ldapsCer.cer"

Note: The line breaks above are added for readability. The entire command must be written on one line.

On Linux:

Code Block
keytool -importcert -alias "ldapsCer" 
        -keystore "/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_144/jre/lib/security/cacerts" 
        -file "/home/ldapsCer.cer"

Anonymous Bind

When setting up your LDAP connection, we provide you with an option to connecting without requiring the Bind DN and Bind Password. To connect to LDAP without requiring this information, enable the Anonymous Bind feature when setting up LDAP.

  • Anonymous Bind is essentially an LDAP server function that allows the client to connect and search the directory (bind and search) without requiring the Bind DN and Bind Password.
  • To use Anonymous Bind, click on the checkbox to ensure it is enabled during the LDAP connection setup process.

Below the Connection Info section there will be a place to test the connections and LDAP credentials used. This is useful for a quick check to see if everything is working. The username and password here can be a user in your directory that you wish to log on the Zephyr system with. Once the information is correct you can click the Test button and if everything goes correctly, you should see a 'Validation Successful!' popup. Otherwise, start troubleshooting the setup.

LDAP Required Fields

1. What are the required fields for connecting to LDAP?

  • Open DS: LDAP Host, Base DN, and Search Attribute are required.
    • The username and password for users who can authenticate are required.
  • Active Directory: LDAP Host, Base DN, and Search Attribute.
    • The username and password for users who can authenticate are required.

2. Is a unique Organizational Unit needed for Zephyr? (Organization Unit can be - Zephyr)

  • The organizational unit can be any name. It does not necessarily have to be specific to Zephyr.

3. Is Bind DN required?

  • Bind DN is required for Active Directory.
  • Bind DN is not required for Open DS.


See below for the configuration fields required for setting up SSO:


The Test button allows you to check the specified URL. Clicking the button opens a new tab. If the login page of your SSO provider is opened in the tab, you have specified the correct URL.

For an example of setting up Okta in Zephyr, please refer to SSO Setup with Okta in Zephyr.
